You took the lead on this section of trail...Remember when you almost stepped on this snake? But you saw it in time to avoid it.
Dear Son, if things in life were easy, it wouldn’t matter if we had a great attitude or a poor attitude. We also wouldn’t need God, or determination, or perseverance, or hope, or faith. Not sure if we would need Love either. Please be thankful for hardship.
I mean, with a joyful anticipation? Not an awful dread.
This can be challenging to say the least. You have to suspect that some readers may not believe I have much experience with Hell, with challenges, problems, obstacles, fear, failure, struggle, grief, agony, hopelessness, strife, worry, doubt.
Do all of you have a ton of experience with these things? Okay then, I rest my case. We all do. No one is immune.
Then why am I so optimistic and “joyful”?
Great question. Some people think I’m crazy. A weirdo. Or, worse, a fake.
It’s taken like 50 years, but, I’m totally cool with it all. Finally.
One of the secrets to being joyful, is so simple, you’re not going to believe it. And it brings great joy to tell you that tomorrow, I’ll reveal January’s “value”.