The World is set to reopen

Yesterday, bicycling to keep a clear and positive mind.

The World is set to reopen.

The entire world, not just Walt Disney World.

As of this week (April 20-24, 2020) each State Governor is empowered by the President to make reopening decisions based on their judgment, for their particular situation.

For example, Florida reopened beaches yesterday.

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Three Little Pigs karma

Glacier Red Bus tour
Received notice yesterday of Glacier National Park’s backcountry camping permit lottery. This inspired today’s photos.

Bad companies are destroyed by crisis, good companies survive them, great companies are improved by them. —Andy Grove

Same with people.



Where do we fall in the “3 little pigs spectrum”?

First, i believe right now is an opportunity of a lifetime.

We get a world (or region) catastrophe every 10-20 years. We can see the event as a crisis or a celebration. Seeing a catastrophe as a celebration doesn’t change what has happened, it only personally changes what happens next.

Proverbial wakeup call.

Wakeup calls are a gift when you have a growth mindset.

Three Little Pigs karma: the wolf couldn’t blow down the house made of stone. Congrats on building the Pig’s positive mental attitude (house of stone).

Note: Glacier backcountry camping link is here.

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One week to impossibly impossible

home office
Yesterday morning with the sun shining brightly from the East.
Hey mic and iPhone setup
Couple nights ago i attempted to synch bluetooth devices. Didn’t work. Was still able to record my first rough-draft speech template for an audience of 12, at a senior citizen care facility.

One week to impossibly impossible.

April Fools Day, 2009, remember?

When i do the TED Talk in five weeks, will the world record be official by then? Will i mention it? Guessing no on both questions.

What’s more impossible, getting invited to Kuwait to deliver a TEDx Talk, or setting a world record for most blog posts written by a single author?

Today, March 24, 2019, neither. But had you asked five, 10, 15 years ago, easy answer would have been an emphatic, “Guaranteed impossible!”

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It all ends in 12 days

Orlando motivational Speaker
Imagine this being true for you.

It all ends in 12 days.

This is sick.

A decade.

Never missing a single day.

Not one.

It all ends in 12 days.

And then year 11 begins.


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