Five-A-Day Bloggers

Five-a-day bloggers.  How many are there?

So I Googled five-a-day bloggers and got 367,000,000 search results, but nothing on the first page described anyone who actually writes five daily blogs.

Okay, no problem, let’s narrow the search, so I typed – “five-a-day bloggers” – using quotation marks to focus the search.

Click here to see the result.

When was the last time you Googled anything and got only one result?

If you are new to Mid Life Celebration, welcome.  Hope you find this (and the other four daily blogs) a refreshing visit in a cyber-world that is overcrowded with people trying to sell us stuff.

None of the five-a-day blogs I write are selling anything.  Maybe hope and inspiration. But nothing that costs money.

Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture. In ten days, one year will have passed since Randy left our earthly world for his next journey, perhaps a heavenly world.

We will probably start to see news media marking this anniversary. In advance of this, I’d like to share his original You Tube Last Lecture.

Randy Pausch’s story inspired me, and I’m an already inspired kind of guy. And not only me, but millions of others, to recapture some excitement, and commitment, to our childhood dreams.

What did it for me was his attitude towards awful news – “You have three to six months to live”.

Whether you are unfamiliar with his story, or know it well, I challenge you to view The Last Lecture this weekend.

We can all be thankful he gave such an inspiring Last Lecture, although I’m sorry he had to.

Living with regret must be a painful exit from this world.  Do something, now, while you still can.  Follow a childhood dream to completion.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!  I say let your affairs be as one, two, three and not a hundred or a thousand…..  We are happy in proportion to the things we can do without”.   — Henry David Thoreau

Sure looks good on paper.

I don’t know about you, but I have a lot on my plate:

  1. Faith
  2. Family
  3. Career

These are the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Each one has a subset of additional topics.

1. Servant, Disciple, Church, Prayer, Emmaus Brothers, Catechism, First Holy Communion, Lector, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Cub Scouts, Networker, Volunteer, Innovator.

2. Servant, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin, Neighbor, Friend, Home Owner, Yard Man, Mechanic, Pet Owner, Chief Financial Officer, Investor, Small Business Owner, Writer, Professional Speaker, Student, Leader, Teacher, Historian, Networker, Innovator, Runner, Athlete, Comedian.

3. Servant, Leader, Follower, Team Member, Teacher, Professional Speaker, Idea Generator, Envelope Pusher, Ambassador, Spokes Person, Student, Trainer, Lead Generator, Historian, Writer, Helper, Friend, Colleague, Profit Driver, Innovator, Traveler, Listener, Planner, Comedian.

No wonder it’s so challenging for me to relax.

I’ll tell you what though, I would rather be aware of this and consciously and consistently work on simplification, than to be oblivious.

Plus, the harder I work, the luckier I get.

Carpe diem!

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