Two funny things about the way jeff noel blogs that most don’t care about

University of Iowa Memorial Hall
Yesterday, February 12, 2013



Two funny things about the way jeff noel blogs that most don’t care about.

  1. he writes in real time, but ahead
  2. writes five daily, differently-themed blogs

This matters to almost no one, yet I do it anyway. Weird.




Potential game-changer?

Time will tell.

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PS. It’s been an absolute game-changer for the author. Completely changed the way each day is thought of, attacked, enjoyed, and savored.

Lane 8

It’s A Common Question

Profoundly Simple
Profoundly Simple

How do you write five daily blogs? A common question from people I meet.


It’s sort of like running.

I don’t know why I do it, all I know is that i enjoy it and cannot help myself.

Drive. Hope. Faith. Purpose. Mission. Balance.

If you can’t find a role model, become one.

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What Is A Mid Life Crisis?

What is a mid life crisis?

One thing for sure, it isn’t a mid life celebration.

Just look at the difference in the two words:

  1. Mid Life Crisis
  2. Mid Life Celebration

I mean seriously, if you could only pick one, which would you pick?

Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture. In ten days, one year will have passed since Randy left our earthly world for his next journey, perhaps a heavenly world.

We will probably start to see news media marking this anniversary. In advance of this, I’d like to share his original You Tube Last Lecture.

Randy Pausch’s story inspired me, and I’m an already inspired kind of guy. And not only me, but millions of others, to recapture some excitement, and commitment, to our childhood dreams.

What did it for me was his attitude towards awful news – “You have three to six months to live”.

Whether you are unfamiliar with his story, or know it well, I challenge you to view The Last Lecture this weekend.

We can all be thankful he gave such an inspiring Last Lecture, although I’m sorry he had to.

Living with regret must be a painful exit from this world.  Do something, now, while you still can.  Follow a childhood dream to completion.  Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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Wish You Were Beautiful!

Yes.  It’s a line in a song from Jimmy Buffett’s CD, Coconut Telegraph.

“The weather is here, wish you were beautiful”.

I used to travel all over the country, from 18 years old to 24.  Traveled by bus, car, foot and bicycle.

One year, I wound up in Pullman, Washington and called it home for a while.  My best friend was a Residence Hall Director at Washington State University.

Anyway, back to the point of this post.  In the 1970’s & 80’s, I was an avid post card sender.  It fit my budget.  🙂

Whenever I was somewhere warm, and sometimes cold but spectacular, and my friends back in Pennsylvania were cold and gloomy, I’d send them a post card.

Californian Coast, Glacier National Park, Grand Canyon, Key West, Yellowstone, Bourbon Street, Times Square, Appalachian Trail – you get the picture, right?

So yesterday, I’m enjoying lunch with my family and Jimmy Buffett’s song is playing.  My wife had just told our son some stories about the post cards she’d get from me, many ending with, “The weather is here, wish you were beautiful”.

My son asked me, “So you insulted Mommy”?

I said, “No son, that phrase comes from a special place in my heart.  It may sound weird to say that to someone, but I only say it to people I care about”.

While it’s hard to know exactly who reads Mid Life Celebration, I do hope you readers know that this site is dependent on people who want to make a difference in this world.

On the journey to finish the last part of my  life, I want to make as big a difference as possible.  And, I’m looking for a few Baby Boomers and Gen-Xer’s to pitch in.

How could I not care about that?

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  I never liked Jimmy Buffett because my college buddies, who liked Buffett, were so fanatical about his music, I was put off by it.  Years later, as a bartender in Moscow, Idaho (home to University of Idaho), I fell in love with his music too.