What is our Spirit?

What is our spirit, and is it different from our mind and our body?  And, if it is different, how and why?

You can be a genius and have a poor attitude, or spirit.  You can be a relatively uneducated person and have a great attitude, or spirit.

You can be an Olympic athlete and have a poor attitude, or spirit.  You can have a crippled body and have a great attitude, or spirit.

Webster’s dictionary defines spirit in this way:

“2.  the thinking, motivating, feeling part of man, often as distinguished from the body;  mind;  intelligence”   6.  frame of mind;  disposition;  mood;  temper”   7.  vivacity, courage, vigor, enthusiasm, etc”   8.  “enthusiasm and loyalty”    10.  “a pervading animating principle, essential or characteristic quality, or prevailing tendency or attitude”   11.  “a divine animating influence or inspiration”

I believe the spirit is seperate from the mind (brain).  You can believe whatever you want.  It all depends on your attitude and tendancies.