Is Love All That Matters?

Mid Life: A Celebration or Crisis?
Mid Life: A Celebration or Crisis?

Is it?

I mean seriously, humans have complicated life, in a noble attempt to simplify it. Haven’t we?

Perhaps greed is the underlying thread that has made simplicity so complex.

No matter, we continue our search for the meaning of life and the peace we hope to gain from embracing it – if only it would be revealed to us.

Tell you what, I’ll reveal it to you tomorrow and all your challenges will vanish.

Meanwhile, mull on this overnight:

If a child asked you, “What is the meaning of life?”, what would your immediate answer be?

Mid Life Leadership Paradox?

Leadership Pair-of-Boxes?
Leadership Pair-of-Boxes?

Midlife leadership paradox, or, midlife leadership pair of boxes?

Pete Blank used to work as a Leader at The Walt Disney World Resort. Now, he’s an entrepreneur and Leadership coach and professional speaker.

I subscribe to his blog and wanted to share one that is particularly relevant as we pursue a mid life celebration.  Click here to read.

As we try so desperately to simplify, we apparently have complicated things and actually made them much worse.

Is this possible?

Simple Is Hard

Happy New Year!  Welcome 2010.

We all dream don’t we?  When does dreaming big ever get old?

Big goals and big dreams are a daily thought process for me.  

Big goals require a ton of work, which is why some big dreams have eluded me all my life.

What are your big dreams this year?

Do you have the indomitable will to do the things you’ve never done before?

Ever think about what it must have been like for our forefathers to tame this land we call America, or any land for that matter?

To tame it.

To make it work for them instead of being an overwhelming obstacle.

My big dream is to help others find their indomitable will.  Have been working very hard at this for a long time.

Have you ever worked really hard at something, for a really long time, and started to think that it’s wasn’t worth all the effort?

I thought so. And when I get frustrated, my thoughts automatically turn to the hardships, and indomitable will of our forefathers:

Wait, you didn’t even click on the video. You’re too busy.  Good luck with that.  Seriously.

January Will Be Simplicity


Happy New Year’s Eve, the biggest drinking day of the year, in the entire world.

What will your New Year’s (or whatever date you use) Resolution be for 2010?

How did you do with the one(s) you made in 2009?

If you are curious enough or smart enough to pay attention, you can learn a lot from what I share. But like anything where excellence is a goal, the focus has to be constant.

Not everyone can keep up. That’s just the law of nature. There’s only a certain type that has that focus and discipline. What type are you?

Looking back to my 2009 resolution to start an Internet-based business, here are some numbers, mostly for posterity (and certainly not to boast):

  • 20 – 2008 Mid Life Celebration blog posts
  • 312 – 2009 Mid Life Celebration blog posts

Humongous difference, eh?

Why? Because of:

  1. Passion
  2. Purpose
  3. Focus
  4. Discipline
  5. Resolve

Joyful Anticipation


Do you look forward to each new day?

I mean, with a joyful anticipation? Not an awful dread.

This can be challenging to say the least. You have to suspect that some readers may not believe I have much experience with Hell, with challenges, problems, obstacles, fear, failure, struggle, grief, agony, hopelessness, strife, worry, doubt.

Do all of you have a ton of experience with these things?  Okay then, I rest my case. We all do. No one is immune.

Then why am I so optimistic and “joyful”?

Great question.  Some people think I’m crazy. A weirdo.  Or, worse, a fake.

It’s taken like 50 years, but, I’m totally cool with it all. Finally.

One of the secrets to being joyful, is so simple, you’re not going to believe it. And it brings great joy to tell you that tomorrow, I’ll reveal January’s “value”.