Guest Bloggers Wanted

Dream Chaser
Dream Chaser

Guest Bloggers wanted.

Ever consider blogging but haven’t done it yet?

Ever dreamed of being a writer, but haven’t “published” anything yet?

Are you an experienced writer and want to expand your reach, relevance and impact?

If you’d like to be a Guest blogger at any of the five-a-day blogs I write, please think about it over the holidays.

Most of you saw this coming, and 2010 promises to be the best year ever. How could it not be?

So, seriously, think about it.

I’ll never embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. Not intentionally anyway. I may embarrass myself occasionally, but that’s part of taking risks.

All part of being a Dream Chaser. Ya with me?

Five-A-Day Bloggers

Five-a-day bloggers.  How many are there?

So I Googled five-a-day bloggers and got 367,000,000 search results, but nothing on the first page described anyone who actually writes five daily blogs.

Okay, no problem, let’s narrow the search, so I typed – “five-a-day bloggers” – using quotation marks to focus the search.

Click here to see the result.

When was the last time you Googled anything and got only one result?

If you are new to Mid Life Celebration, welcome.  Hope you find this (and the other four daily blogs) a refreshing visit in a cyber-world that is overcrowded with people trying to sell us stuff.

None of the five-a-day blogs I write are selling anything.  Maybe hope and inspiration. But nothing that costs money.

Two Mid Life Celebration Items

Two quick things:

1.  If you are not aware of the other four blogs associated with Mid Life Celebration, which is totally possible, feel free to visit  my Internet headquarters at

2. If you have heard about the daily five-a-day blogging and have any interest  or curiosity as to why, I’m currently wrapping up a three part series on this at

Hope you have a GREAT Monday and that this week is the best week of your entire life.

If it sounds crazy, that’s okay.  May I challenge you to ask yourself, “What’s stopping me from having the best week of my entire life?”

Simplicity Key To Joy

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!  I say let your affairs be as one, two, or three and not a hundred or a thousand… We are happy in proportion to the things we can do without.”Henry David Thoreau


Balance Deconstructed

Mind.  Body.  Spirit.  Money.  Otherwise known as Balance. This is the second of two posts today. A double shot!

Do you know anyone who epitomizes work-life balance?  I do not.  So I took matters into my own hands and came up with a life-changing model.  It’s ridiculously simple.

MIND – Mental Health, Learning, Attitude

BODY – Physical Health & Wellness

SPIRIT – Spiritual Health; Faith, Hope & Love

MONEY – Financial Health; Job, Career, our contribution to society

I’ve literally spent a lifetime searching for the secret recipe for balance. Since becoming a Father nine years ago, this is the one I’m convinced is the key to transforming my life.

Focus on Life’s Big Four.  Hey, I’m not a scientist or a genius, just a common man who looks at things differently and likes to keep it simple.