Naked Man

“Beware of the naked man who offers you his shirt”.Harvey Mackay

By now, we know that there are many people who make tons of promises. Same with businesses, with marketing, with the Internet, and so on. False promises.

The real question is, to me, “What promises am I making to myself that are false promises?  Promises to be wary of”?

This is one of the main reasons we find ourselves in a mid-life crisis.

We start with good, well-intended promises, but in reality, they were really only false promises:

  • Get healthier
  • Spend more time with Family
  • Learn more
  • Forgive more
  • Save more
  • Be a better example

No one should feel alone reading this.  We all suffer from this.  We’re human. That’s what we do, we fail. Over and over again.

So now, consciously reminded of this, “What are you gonna do about it?  And I mean specifically, what are you gonna do today”?

Einstein Average Man

“If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make a living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher.  I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances”. Albert Einstein

Meanwhile in my zip code, there’s a sea of upscale vehicles, yet the 1990 Toyota suites me perfectly.

There’s even a dinner-plate sized dent on the driver’s front fender.  Was going to have it repaired until I realized how much that road-rage induced dent signified how lucky I am to still be alive.

In America, we are constantly tempted to keep up with the Joneses.  Why?   Because we are afraid of who we really are.

Would you rather be loved for who you’re not or hated for who you are?

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What’s Your Excuse?

“We should all do what in the long run gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry”.E. B. White

Or being a High School Basketball Team Manager:

If you had your life to live over, what would you change?

Well, you can’t live it over so it’s time to make a choice.  If you had a “second chance” starting today, what would you change?

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The Beaten Path

“People tend to follow the beaten path.  The difficulty is that the beaten path doesn’t seem to be leading anywhere”.Charles M. Mathias, Jr.

Just wanted to share this because it begs the question, “If the path leads nowhere, why are we following it”?

I know exactly why?  Because we get into a poor habit of “going through the motions“.  Click here to see what You Tube offers to see & hear the song.

This video song has the power to change your life, but only if you watch and listen.

Most of us also have a poor habit (it’s one of my worst) of being insanely busy.

You know what, don’t watch it.  Go ahead and continue on your pitiful path, the beaten path.  But please don’t try to tell me you’ve done your best if you can’t invest four lousy minutes.

Choice is yours.  Always is.  Always was.  Always will be.

Take no prisoners today.

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Life is a Grindstone

“Life is a grindstone.  But whether it grinds us down or polishes us up, depends on us”.   — L. Thomas Holdcroft

It’s always our choice, isn’t it?

That’s what I’ve come to believe.

Some choices are extremely difficult.  Some very easy.

Mountains and valleys, eh?

Make today a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will?  If not today, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂