Reading Is Fundamental

“Outside a dog, a book is a man’s best friend.  Inside a dog, it’s too dark to read”.Groucho Marx

I read every day. Currently reading Seth Godin’s Purple Cow.

It’s a book about what it takes to be remarkable. If you saw a herd of cows in a big field and one of them was purple, that would be remarkable. It’s a business book.

And yet, I can’t help but correlate it to life, especially mid life.

There’s a temptation, in mid life, to think that we are past prime and there’s no point to reinventing ourselves.


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Mid Life Million Dollar Question

Mid Life Million Dollar Question:

“What’s it gonna take to move from midlife-complacency to midlife-commitment”?

There are curious people who actually ask me, “What’s your secret to get and stay motivated”?

I usually mumble something that sounds like a good answer, but actually I’m thinking, “If I have to explain it to you, you won’t understand”.

Listen, you got to mid life. That in itself is pretty remarkable. You have the answers. You do. Trust me, you do.

But maybe you haven’t yet found the courage to admit it.

When are you going to start?  If not today, when?

Seriously, when?

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Pay the Price

Paying the price.  Be careful what you wish for.

“What you have become is the price you paid to get what you used to want”. —   Mignon McLaughlin

I got to mid life and the best part, the part I didn’t anticipate, is all the questions I have.

Seriously.  A TON of questions.  This started at least a decade ago, probably closer to 15 years ago.

Not sure how long a mid-life crisis is supposed to last, but it sure has been a fun, and long, ride.

Also not sure I ever want to give it up.

That’s why I founded Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

Tomorrow, the infamous 30-second elevator speech.

Do you have yours?

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Mid Life Saturday

Mid Life Saturday.  Finally, the weekend is here.

“Always do one less thing than you think you can do”. — Bernard Baruch


Except for one thing. I’m human. Humans are perfect. Perfectly imperfect.

The odds of me scaling back are fairly slim. Not impossible, but stacked against me.

Why? Because of habits.

That’s the biggest mid-life challenge.  Redefining our mid life habits.

That’s why the tag line here at Mid Life Celebration is: Rethink. Reprioritize. Recommit.

I’m not talking about casual changes, or token changes, but about serious, life altering changes.

As Mid Life Celebration matures, I’ll be revealing more personal examples of how my life has changed.

As a prelude, you may find it surprising to know that I’ve overcome addiction, disability, and a host of other things people have no clue about.

That’s why I can preach about this stuff.  I’ve been to the gates of hell.  I gauran-dang-tee you, I hated it.

Is it getting hot in here or am I sweating?

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Mid Life Friday

Mid Life Friday. Short and sweet today:

From, of all people, Albert Einstein:

“The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives”.

They say you can put a frog in a pot of water, and slowly turn the heat up, ever so gradually, to the boiling point, and the frog will not jump out.

I’ve never tried it. Don’t even know if it’s true. Doesn’t matter. I get the point.

That’s why I work so hard to figure out mid life.  I don’t want to wake up one day and realize I’m dying and I haven’t yet started to live.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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