Dear Son, If You Want A Great, Positive Attitude, You Must Fight For It Every Single Day

What seems like hell is the devil's work to take our eye off of common sense.

Dear Son, nothing in life will prepare you for the painful side effects stemming from a negative mental attitude. It’s like hell. Only difference is that this hell shows up while you’re alive, instead of waiting until we die. There is only one antidote.

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Undertaker Mid Life

Pushing Daisies?
Pushing Daisies?

“Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” — Unknown

That would be a life full of Joy, don’t you think?

Have a joy – filled day.  Carpe diem.

Mid Life Saturday

Mid Life Saturday.  Finally, the weekend is here.

“Always do one less thing than you think you can do”. — Bernard Baruch


Except for one thing. I’m human. Humans are perfect. Perfectly imperfect.

The odds of me scaling back are fairly slim. Not impossible, but stacked against me.

Why? Because of habits.

That’s the biggest mid-life challenge.  Redefining our mid life habits.

That’s why the tag line here at Mid Life Celebration is: Rethink. Reprioritize. Recommit.

I’m not talking about casual changes, or token changes, but about serious, life altering changes.

As Mid Life Celebration matures, I’ll be revealing more personal examples of how my life has changed.

As a prelude, you may find it surprising to know that I’ve overcome addiction, disability, and a host of other things people have no clue about.

That’s why I can preach about this stuff.  I’ve been to the gates of hell.  I gauran-dang-tee you, I hated it.

Is it getting hot in here or am I sweating?

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