The one true disability Baby Boomers are susceptible to

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The one true disability Baby Boomers are susceptible to?

The only true disability is a crushed spirit. – Aimee Mullins

Time after time, we are shown examples of people who have overcome adversity that would crush a normal person’s spirit.

These reminders are placed before us for a reason. Will provide another example tomorrow…

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This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


Back To Black, By Lorie Sheffer

“Guess she shoulda’ said “Yes, yes, yes, to rehab!”  “Why all the fuss over some drug addicted singer when decent people were executed in Norway? They’re the ones who deserve our sympathy!”

The comments went on and on while all I could think was that this talented, troubled young woman was the same age as my son. Her family was grieving for her the same as the families of the shooting victims in Norway or the soldiers who died in wars or any other family who loses a loved one.

Why do we blame the victims of some illnesses? Lung cancer: That’s what you get for smoking. Addiction: Why don’t they just stop? Eating disorders: EAT already! Depression, anxiety and other mental disorders: They’re nuts! AIDS patients have been treated with scorn because surely they must have “asked for it” through their promiscuous homosexual behavior or IV drug use. HIV/AIDS was labeled “that gay man’s disease” early on, which was a very dangerous thing, as heterosexual transmission is the most common transmission worldwide.

My son and I had a discussion about the blame game not too long ago. Many of his patients are those who “asked for it”. He said that perhaps thinking that someone “asked for it” is a way for people to feel protected from such a fate.

Why do we give the person on a list for a heart transplant more sympathy than the person who is struggling with addiction in rehab? Perhaps it is because addiction causes behavioral changes in people who suffer from it? I noticed that, following my husband’s stroke 15 years ago, people were sympathetic to the fact that his brain had hemorrhaged and caused him physical disability. What they were unable to deal with were the changes in his personality. Sometimes he would burst into tears or fits of anger, which is expected when a person suffers from a traumatic brain injury. And yet comments were made to me about him “acting out”.  Sympathy could be felt for the wheelchair but not for the tears. He should have been able to control the emotions, I suppose, even though the brain injury was as responsible for them as for his physical disability. Certainly the behavior issues were not to be ignored. Physical rehabilitation and emotional rehabilitation have to go hand in hand. And yet, if someone says they are seeking treatment for a physical illness they will generally get a much different reaction than if they say they are in treatment for a mental illness. I recently read an article that said that most of us won’t think twice about holding the door for someone with a physical disability, but not many doors are held open for someone who is hallucinating on the street. In fact, those doors are usually slammed shut.

“Compassion is not weakness and concern for others is not socialism.” – Hubert H. Humphrey

What Makes You Feel Old?

51 Does Not Feel Old
51 Does Not Feel Old

Mid Life – like birth, childhood, adolescence, leaving home, getting married, having kids, empty nest, retirement, death – midlife fits in there as one of life’s major milestone categories.

For the sake of argument, of course, not everyone gets married or has kids, but it is the most common way to continue our species.

In life’s stages, when and where did you start to feel old?

For me, it was four major things:

  1. Getting AARP welcome letter in 2009 (age 50)
  2. A dangerous cholesterol report in 1999 (40)
  3. Identifying our legitimate disability in 1996 (37)
  4. Buying the first pair of reading glasses 1995

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Mid Life Saturday

Mid Life Saturday.  Finally, the weekend is here.

“Always do one less thing than you think you can do”. — Bernard Baruch


Except for one thing. I’m human. Humans are perfect. Perfectly imperfect.

The odds of me scaling back are fairly slim. Not impossible, but stacked against me.

Why? Because of habits.

That’s the biggest mid-life challenge.  Redefining our mid life habits.

That’s why the tag line here at Mid Life Celebration is: Rethink. Reprioritize. Recommit.

I’m not talking about casual changes, or token changes, but about serious, life altering changes.

As Mid Life Celebration matures, I’ll be revealing more personal examples of how my life has changed.

As a prelude, you may find it surprising to know that I’ve overcome addiction, disability, and a host of other things people have no clue about.

That’s why I can preach about this stuff.  I’ve been to the gates of hell.  I gauran-dang-tee you, I hated it.

Is it getting hot in here or am I sweating?

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