What is our Spirit?

What is our spirit, and is it different from our mind and our body?  And, if it is different, how and why?

You can be a genius and have a poor attitude, or spirit.  You can be a relatively uneducated person and have a great attitude, or spirit.

You can be an Olympic athlete and have a poor attitude, or spirit.  You can have a crippled body and have a great attitude, or spirit.

Webster’s dictionary defines spirit in this way:

“2.  the thinking, motivating, feeling part of man, often as distinguished from the body;  mind;  intelligence”   6.  frame of mind;  disposition;  mood;  temper”   7.  vivacity, courage, vigor, enthusiasm, etc”   8.  “enthusiasm and loyalty”    10.  “a pervading animating principle, essential or characteristic quality, or prevailing tendency or attitude”   11.  “a divine animating influence or inspiration”

I believe the spirit is seperate from the mind (brain).  You can believe whatever you want.  It all depends on your attitude and tendancies.

Top 10 List – Spirit

1.  What is Love?

2.  What is more important than Love?

3.  What is Hate?

4.  What is worse than Hate?

5.  Does the mind or body influence Love?

6.  If your dearest loved one was diagnosed with a severe medical condition, what would you do?

7.  How do you count your blessings?

8.  Whom do you thank for your blessings?

9.  Do you pray?

10.  What’s at the very center of your spiritual beliefs?

Top 10 List – Mind

1.  What do I read?

2.  What do I study?

3.  How much time do I spend learning?

4.  How much time do I spend teaching others?

5.  How well do I know my priorities?

6.  What do I watch on TV?

7.  Who are my friends?

8.  How do I stay focused on continuous learning?

9.  What is my IQ?

10.  What should I be learning that I’m not?

Top 10 List – Body

Things to consider:

1.  What’s my weight?

2.  What’s my cholesterol?

3.  What’s my blood pressure?

4.  What’s my BMI (body mass index)?

5.  What’s my trigyliceride level?

6.  What’s my resting heart rate?

7.  What do I do for exercise?

8.  How important are my eating habits?

9.  What are my health goals?

10. What are my health beliefs and habits?