Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!  I say let your affairs be as one, two, three and not a hundred or a thousand…..  We are happy in proportion to the things we can do without”.   — Henry David Thoreau

Sure looks good on paper.

I don’t know about you, but I have a lot on my plate:

  1. Faith
  2. Family
  3. Career

These are the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Each one has a subset of additional topics.

1. Servant, Disciple, Church, Prayer, Emmaus Brothers, Catechism, First Holy Communion, Lector, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Cub Scouts, Networker, Volunteer, Innovator.

2. Servant, Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin, Neighbor, Friend, Home Owner, Yard Man, Mechanic, Pet Owner, Chief Financial Officer, Investor, Small Business Owner, Writer, Professional Speaker, Student, Leader, Teacher, Historian, Networker, Innovator, Runner, Athlete, Comedian.

3. Servant, Leader, Follower, Team Member, Teacher, Professional Speaker, Idea Generator, Envelope Pusher, Ambassador, Spokes Person, Student, Trainer, Lead Generator, Historian, Writer, Helper, Friend, Colleague, Profit Driver, Innovator, Traveler, Listener, Planner, Comedian.

No wonder it’s so challenging for me to relax.

I’ll tell you what though, I would rather be aware of this and consciously and consistently work on simplification, than to be oblivious.

Plus, the harder I work, the luckier I get.

Carpe diem!

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First Holy Communion

Our eight-year old son will receive his first Holy Communion today.


Who would have ever thought I’d be a father?

My life centered around me for about 40 years, although I never admitted it.

The past decade, thanks to this Mid Life Celebration, it’s been a journey of Rethinking, Reprioritizing, and Recommiting.

The hardest part was simplist part. Rethink. Reprioritize. Recommit.

It takes effort, but like any good investment, it grows exponentially over time. They call it the magic of compound interest. It works as well with your time, as it does with your money.

Carpe diem, and spend wisely. jeff noel 🙂