Thankful for Pushy Women

Who loves pushy women?  I mean, who is completely thankful for pushy women?  What am I talking about?

Women who pushed the boundaries of what people thought women could do.  I don’t know what motivates or inspires you, however, it would seem that we all have more in common than we think.

Most people know and understand this simple truth – there are people who push the boundaries of what’s possible. They make the impossible, possible.  How can we not be thankful for that?

Wednesday in Alaska, I was simply walking through the Anchorage International Airport, and saw a picture on the wall, walked over to see what it was, read the description, gave thanks for Susan Butcher’s life, and then shot this short jeffnoelmidlife You Tube video:

I Must…

I have to be the most patient person in the world, so that our son (9) will understand how patience works.

I must also be the most thankful person in the world so our son will understand how thankfulness works.

Celebrating Thanksgiving every November, or going to Church once a week to give thanks simply doesn’t cut it.

I must become the most thankful person in the world.

There is no other way.

Roll With Mid Life?

Yes, we should “roll with it”, mid life, that is.  There is no avoiding it.  Is there?  Maybe if our lives are cut short, we could avoid mid life, but that’s really the only way.  Who wants that?

Not me.  So what can a person do?  Why not “roll with it“.  A phrase I learned a long time ago.  It means to take whatever you are given and “roll with it“, or make the most of it.

If you can’t change what you are given or presented with, why not make something good from it?  Because if we don’t, then we are destined, it would seem, to complain.  Who wants that? Here, let me demonstrate how simple this concept is. Please pay attention, it’s over in ten seconds.

Mid Life Thankfulness

“”What gift has providence on man that is so dear to him as his own children”.Cicero

What is at the heart of this, I believe, is that children provide adults with an opportunity to finally have someone in their lives more important them themselves.

This is a feeling that literally defies explanation.

And yes, there are readers here today that do not, and will not, have children.  That’s ok.  We are all blessed in wonderfully unique ways.  I am so thankful my wife and I are blessed to be parents.

Mid Life Crisis Isn’t Really

A mid life crisis isn’t really a crisis at mid life.  It’s simply an opportunity to:

  1. Re-THINK
  3. Re-COMMIT

Common sense, isn’t it?  Pretty simple actually.

Be careful though.  Simple does not mean easy.  Carpe diem. 🙂