Entrepreneurial attitude

You are the CMO (chief mindset officer) of You, Inc.


Observe how easy it is to understand the next two paradoxical statements…

  1. With an entrepreneurial mindset, you live with constant optimism and growth mindset.
  2. Without an entrepreneurial mindset, you live with chronic pessimism and closed mindset.

Think of your attitude as a business startup.

You can make it whatever you want.

What attitude do you want to offer the world (starting with yourself and your loved ones)?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Dear CMO

11-second video: Over-focus on your vision for your future.
The shadow immediately said, “Hey, stop putting all your attention on the cool kids (the mountains).”

Here’s your Personal Vibrancy C-Suite…

  • CMO: Chief Mental Officer
  • CHO: Chief Health Officer
  • CSO: Chief Spiritual Officer
  • CCO: Chief Contribution Officer
  • CPO: Chief Priorities Officer

Today’s five posts are me writing to me. Go into to it thinking this way though: imagine an executive you work with and rely on writes you a personal thank you note….here’s what it sounds like to me….

Dear CMO: Chief Mental Officer,

Thank you for your lifetime of continuous mental improvement. We appreciate your vision, determination, and enthusiasm to live with a positive attitude.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Personal, professional development

Gaping Void leadership art
Gapingvoid leadership art. Hugh McLeod is a category of one.

Personal, professional development.

What is it?

Anything you want it to be. And sometimes everything you never think of.

There are a million ways to develop yourself. There are a million ways to develop others. Do you see the small leap from one to the other?

Read, watch, listen.

Write, record video, record audio.





Inventories (mind, body, spirit, work, home).


And on and on.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

You are a Student Teacher

man at Disney University
Never gets old. Out for a walk/jog.

You are a Student Teacher.

You are a Student.

You are a Teacher.

To teach is to learn twice.

To teach is to repay those who taught you.

To learn is to repay those who learned from you.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Milking the Disneyland trip

Disney keynote speaker Jeff Noel
About 6:00 AM. Heading out for a walk and jog. Keynote speech in three hours.

Milking the Disneyland trip what with all the photos and such.


Because the easy answer is, “Why not?”

Traveled super light.

Did a few new, creative and innovative things.

Simple, positive things.

Concepts easy to do and easy to remember.

This is the way.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.