Mid Life Shout Out to Lane 8

Mid Life shout out to Lane 8.  Lane 8 is a GREAT place to get inspired, or stay inspired – to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What’s waiting for you there today is an article – “Staying Active At Any Age”!

Click here to be magically transported to Lane 8.

PS.  Lane 8 is one of the five daily blogs I write and manage.

Mid Life Ecclesiates?

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven;  a time to be born, and a time to die;  a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted”. —  Ecclesiates 3:1-2

And a time for mid life, which happens in it’s own unique way for virtually everyone.  For some, like me, it can easily last a decade.  For others, perhaps it comes and goes over a weekend.

The essence of a mid life crisis is that it’s a time for reflection, and asking:

  • “How did I get to this point in my life”?
  • “Is this where I thought I wanted to be”?
  • “What is the purpose of my life”?
  • “Is there anything I need to change”?
  • “Can I change it, and is it even worth it”?

Life is hard.  There is no manual telling us exactly what to do.  There are so many unpredictable things that change, destroy or inspire our plans.  It’s up to each of us to choose wisely.

Despair Is The Price

“Despair is the price one pays for setting oneself an impossible aim”.Graham Greene

Wow. Then what does it mean, “If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough”?

Simply this:  You can set the bar low and reach a goal, and then wonder if you could have done better, eventually living with a certain degree of regret for not trying harder.

Or, you can set the bar impossibly high, give it your absolute best, fail, yet live with the satisfaction and peace that you left nothing on the table.

There are no guarantees in life.  But you already knew that, right?

The Real Problem With Leisure?

“The real problem of your leisure is how to keep other people from using it”.Anonymous

Ain’t it the truth? Most of it is our own fault though. It is for me anyway.

Always trying to do better.  Always trying to please others.  Never satisfied with the status quo. Over-achiever. Workaholic. Can’t say no.  The list goes on and on.

Here’s another truth, that no one wants to admit. We control our choices.  Not the outcomes, but our choices.

While the outcomes are in the hands of a power we can’t begin to imagine, our choices are not.  Our choices are ours.

You’d think we would have this figured out by mid life.  Why is this so difficult to remember?

Hot and Naked?

Hot & naked? Neither.

Hot and bothered maybe, but not hot and naked. There’s a temptation to use sexual innuendos to sell things.

It’s pervasive. So much so that this blog post title actually caused a reaction that was opposite of it’s purpose.

My purpose is simply to vent a little about how passively lives are lived. And it almost feels, to me, like people have given up the will to work hard.

Hard work.  It’s the only way, at any age.

While the title was read with the wrong purpose, it was written with the right intent.

If you have the will but are finding the way difficult, Mid Life Celebration’s intent is to reach as many people fitting this description as possible.

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