Which way should I go, Alice asked

Cinderella Castle with Christmas lights
How and where will we spend our next 10 years?


Which way should I go, Alice In Wonderland asked the Rabbit.

The Rabbit asked back, “Where are you going?”

Alice, “I don’t know”.

Rabbit, “Then it doesn’t matter”.

Much of my life I didn’t know, and this led to an astonishing number of wasted years. Fun, but selfishly wasted.

How long is reasonable to finally figure it out?

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This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


Addicted to Thankfulness?

It is extraordinarily uncommon to be fully conscious and in the moment all day, every day.

Why?  No seriously, why?

If being thankful is such a blessing, why do we spend so little time doing it?  Perhaps the same can be said for being healthy.

If being healthy is such a blessing, why do we spend so little time getting and staying healthy?

I think it’s because we over commit, over schedule, and, under plan. There’s a saying, “Failure to plan is planning to fail.”

I’m addicted to thankfulness.  Grateful for the ability to think about issues like this. Excited to have daily challenges. Encouraged by slow and steady progress toward reconciliation.

Yes indeed, thankfulness is a drug. Don’t forget to take your medicine.

Mid Life Crisis?

Mid Life Crisis?  Mid Life Celebration?

Two choices.  Maybe there are more, but it only seems like two that are obvious.

So if you had a choice, which would you pick?

No brainer, eh?

Yep, no brainer.  Then why are so many unhappy?

Because life is hard.  Sometimes, it even feels impossible.

Take Your Time, But Hurry Up

“You no longer spend your life hurrying around the corner for something which is never there”.Rex Harrison

If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times.  There is no guarantee in life, except that we will die.

There seems to be a delicate balance between hurrying and not hurrying. We shouldn’t rush blindly through life, bypassing life’s simple pleasures.

But then again, we can’t spend too much time doing what pleases us, because in the end, there really is much work to be done.  Our: mind, body, spirit, money, community, job, sleep, errands, chores, etc.

If we take our cue from nature, animals are constantly trying to survive. There is always the threat of danger lurking somewhere.  In nature the saying goes, “Survival of the fittest”. I’m not talking physically, I’m talking comprehensively.

Ya with me, comprehensively.  This means your day will be really busy. Or not.