Single Most Important Tip

Things you can do to prepare for a Mid Life Crisis, before it happens.  Click here to read the article from Everyday Health.

However, here’s the single most important tip you will ever get from anyone about preparing for your midlife crisis or, as I like to say, your mid life celebration.

Focus on Life’s Big four:





And by focus, I mean proactively, in advance, as best you possibly can. This will keep you ever mindful of that elusive concept called “Balance”.

More on this later, maybe as soon as tomorrow.

Family Time At Disney

Family time at the Walt Disney World Resort. This month in particular, we’ve visited Disney Theme Parks every week.  Why?  Cooler temperatures initiated it.

Mid Life Celebration has kept it alive.  A mid life crisis is when a sort of panic (or doubt) sets in that has us question if we are on the correct path in our lives.  Can’t remember ever being so busy with life. Can you?

Perhaps it’s the economic situation and the constant change that is happening all around us.  What to do?  Go to Disney.  Walt Disney wanted a place where Families could do nice things together and forget about reality for a couple hours or a couple days.

We take frequent, but short trips to Disney Theme Parks. Here’s a jeff noel midlife You Tube from earlier this month:

Hope your Mid Life Celebration includes some Family time. It’s challenging to find quality family time, when you’re so busy dealing with all the things life places in front of you. Carpe diem.

Busiest Day of the Year?

“Tomorrow is always the busiest day of the year”.Jonathon Lazear

Ain’t it the truth?  At least that’s the way it feels.  Why?

You may feel differently.  But for me, it seems like tomorrow is “the day” that, “I’ll finally be able to catch up with things“.  So I race hard to get so much done.

Time marches on and there is simply more to take the place of that which has been done.  Ever heard the phrase, “busy beaver“?  Beavers work hard every day, repairing their dam, fixing their den, looking for food, etc.  Seems there is always lots of work to do.

What’s the solution?  If I knew that, tomorrow would be looking like a vacation day, eh?

Workaholics Hate Leisure Time

“Because it is less structured than work, leisure time leaves workaholics at a loss for what to do.  Workaholics practically climb the wall when they can’t work”.   — Marilyn Machlowitz

This is “painful” to read.  Why?  Because I felt particularly guilty this weekend.

While I did do a decent job of carving out time with our son, work occupied a better portion of the weekend.  It was predictable.

It isn’t leisure that leaves a loss for what to do.  It’s quite enjoyable, almost nirvana, doing nothing.  But the work starts to pile up.  So much to do.  So little time.

Yes indeed, so little time.  Our nine-year old will be driving before you know it.  And then it will be too late.

Whose Life Is It Anyway?

“Whose life is it anyway”.Brian Clark

You know what?  I’m not sure where to begin on this one.  Seriously.  The quote is so intriguing, yet so open for interpretation.

If you’ve been in the workplace all your life and now into mid life, you are well aware of how “work” can own you.

Others may understand this, “You either run your business or it runs you”.

Or, no one ever said on their deathbed, “I wish I had spent more time at the office”.

No matter how you think about today’s quote, it certainly does make you think, doesn’t it?

But does it call you to any action?