Mid Life Observations

Mid Life Observations?


“You can observe a lot by watching”.  — Yogi Berra

Profoundly simple and simply profound, are the keys to success in life, particularly at mid life.

Today, I’m going to try to not be so busy that I can’t appreciate the little things.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂


Hatred at Mid Life?

Hatred at Mid Life?

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not”.  — Andre Gide

I believe this mid life quote to be true, but struggle sometimes to make it real.


Because it takes courage.  Having courage can make you unpopular and lonely.

Who wants that at mid life?  

Yet courage, really, is one of the few things in mid-life that makes us whole.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Anger?

Anger at Mid Life?


There’s a lot we have to be angry about at mid life.

Yet, may I humbly submit this midlife quote for your consideration?

“Anyone who angers you, conquers you”.  — Sister Kenny

Sometimes, it takes every fiber in my body and soul not to get angry.  And like other lessons I’ve learned through 50 years of life, staying focused and disciplined is always better and more productive than not.

Good luck.  Stay with it.   Don’t give up.  Forgive yourself and keep trying.

There’s a Chinese proverb that says something to this effect:

“Fall down seven times, get up eight”.

Make it a GREAT day.  Carpe diem. jeff noel  🙂

Pushy at Mid Life?

What a GREAT day to be alive!

Hey, thanks for reading Mid Life Celebration.  Your time is very important to you.

Heck, mine is too.

And I devote a fair piece of it to Mid Life Celebration.


Because it makes me feel like I’m helping some of you mid-life folks find a home where you can come to for a gentle push or pull.

Finding people who care is a challenge.  Sometimes, that’s all that’s missing.  We just need someone to tell us not to give up.  Someone to tell us there is work to be done and we ought to do our fair share.

Someone to remind us that although we may feel like in this world, we are just one person, to another person, we may just be the world to them.

We all know what should be done.  But the hard part is actually doing it.

I’ve always liked people who pushed me to be a better person.

Hope you like those kinds of people too.  There aren’t too many of them, but they’re out there.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid LIfe Mission Statement

Here’s a free resource for developing your Mid Life Mission statement

In my 50 years on Earth, I’ve asked thousands of people what the meaning of life is.  Seriously, I have.  And still do.

Know what the most common response is?


Second most common response?


I’ll bet right now that 99% of you reading this don’t have an answer that rolls of the tip of your tongue.

And the one percent that does have an answer, or thinks they have an answer – their answer will be so unprepared that you and I would find it difficult to clearly understand.

That is why, if you want to leave a legacy for the important people you love, I highly recommend you consider creating some concise, and inspiring,  answer to life’s big question.

Carpe diem, your humble servant, jeff noel  🙂