Mid Life Learning

Mid Life learning:

“We learn as much from sorrow as from joy, as much from illness as from health, from handicap as from avantage – and indeed perhaps more”. Pearl S. Buck

Maybe.  Maybe not.  What do you think?  Many mid life adults are too busy to even contemplate this kind of thinking.  I know full well the medicinal affects of a busy schedule. It can be used as a shield to protect us from painful truths.

“In youth we learn; in age we understand”. Marie von Ebner Eschenbach

Mid Life learning?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

What’s Your Excuse?

“We should all do what in the long run gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry”.E. B. White

Or being a High School Basketball Team Manager:

If you had your life to live over, what would you change?

Well, you can’t live it over so it’s time to make a choice.  If you had a “second chance” starting today, what would you change?

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Pushy at Mid Life?

What a GREAT day to be alive!

Hey, thanks for reading Mid Life Celebration.  Your time is very important to you.

Heck, mine is too.

And I devote a fair piece of it to Mid Life Celebration.


Because it makes me feel like I’m helping some of you mid-life folks find a home where you can come to for a gentle push or pull.

Finding people who care is a challenge.  Sometimes, that’s all that’s missing.  We just need someone to tell us not to give up.  Someone to tell us there is work to be done and we ought to do our fair share.

Someone to remind us that although we may feel like in this world, we are just one person, to another person, we may just be the world to them.

We all know what should be done.  But the hard part is actually doing it.

I’ve always liked people who pushed me to be a better person.

Hope you like those kinds of people too.  There aren’t too many of them, but they’re out there.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Day Off?

Mid Life day off?

Taking the morning off. May write later. May not. Carpe diem, and have a glorious Mid-Life Sunday.

Our son’s first Holy Communion was humbling and spectacular. Peace and blessings, jeff 🙂

Happy Good Friday

It’s taken me nearly 50 years to fully embrace what Easter is all about.

How long did it take you?

Do you even embrace Easter?

It’s certainly no one’s place to judge another, whether they celebrate Easter or not.

I just wanted to reinforce that a Mid Life Crisis is a perfect time to start thinking about celebrating something.

Finding something to celebrate, even in the midst of “a great depression”, could be the very thing that helps you survive and maybe even thrive. It has for me. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂