Mid-Life in Paris?

Mid-Life in Paris?



Paris. France. Le Tour de France.

But not for long.

Catching a flight to Helsinki. But you probably already know that.

Thank you for your support here.

When I get settled in Finland, wil do my best to add photos and video from this Mid Life Celebration.

Make it a GREAT mid-life day.   Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

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That’s how it feels at this moment.

It started yesterday when I came home to find the UPS package at the front door.

The official USA World Championship Team jersey.

To make sure it fit, I tore open the package and tried it on.

It fit perfectly.

Then it hit me.

Complete and utter disbelief, and yet at the same time, an indescribable feeling of honor, joy and responsibility.

At that very moment, I completely understood how the real USA Olympians must feel after spending a lifetime to make a dream come true.

I wish you the best as you think about whether your dreams are worth pursuing.

I know that, even if I finish dead last, the ten years was completely worth it.

Because now I now I tried my best. No regrets. None. It’s called Peace.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, out in Lane 8 🙂

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Carpe Diem and Be Inspired

Carpe diem and be inspired.

Mid Life is a wonderful opportunity to challenge yourself to do things you’ve always wanted to, but were:

  • Too busy
  • Too scared
  • Tried but failed
  • Thought were impossible
  • Foolish
  • Blah, blah, blah

There’s always going to be reasons to make you hesitate, quit, or chicken out.

What would it take for you to overcome this?  These are the questions and the challenge I place before myself.

Would you like a seat at the same table?

If so, then make today the day you stretch yourself. Do one small thing you’ve always wanted to do.

Do it. You can. You can do it.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

PS.  Personally, I think regret stinks.

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Mid Life Wellness Expert

Mid Life Wellness Expert.

The harder you work, the luckier you get.

Sometimes, on rare occasions, I’ll refer you to another jeff noel blog post. Usually because I’m pressed for time and take a rare shortcut, instead of writing something new.

Well, today, would like to redirect you please, but not because I’m pressed for time, but because today’s two posts at www.junglejeff.net are important and relevant to Mid Life Celebration.

Have a great mid-life day.  Do something great.  And, oh yeah, carpe diem!

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Are You Obsessed?



Recently, I asked a friend for the perception of my work ethic, trying to identify any “blind spots”.

My friend, asked, “Are you obsessed”?

Intuitively, I said, if Walt Disney was sitting here with us, I’d say, “You first Walt”.

Walt would reply, most likely, “Damn right I’m obsessed. Absolutely”!

Told my friend, when you turned to me to get my answer, I’d simply reply, “Ditto”!

The road to excellence has no finish line.  Whether you are at work, engaged in your favorite hobby, or sitting in a pew at Church.

It’s also the same at mid-life.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

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