Happy birthday to one of the world’s greatest thinkers, Walt Disney 1901 -1966. His attitude towards creativity, business, entertainment… unprecedentedly boundary-less. But he didn’t feel confident he had made a sizable contribution until he was in his later years.
Insight: You will never know how far you can go until you go far.
An expert is someone who really knows their stuff - how things work and why.Even the most obscure, practically unnoticed things - how and why.
Walt Disney is my American business hero. I know his life pretty well, especially his business philosophies. Some (like me) call him the father of modern-day business creativity and innovation. What many don’t comprehend is just how crazy his ideas were at the time he was thinking them up and rolling them out.
Ever dreamed of being a writer, but haven’t “published” anything yet?
Are you an experienced writer and want to expand your reach, relevance and impact?
If you’d like to be a Guest blogger at any of the five-a-day blogs I write, please think about it over the holidays.
Most of you saw this coming, and 2010 promises to be the best year ever. How could it not be?
So, seriously, think about it.
I’ll never embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. Not intentionally anyway. I may embarrass myself occasionally, but that’s part of taking risks.