Mid-Life Independence

Mid-Life Independence.

Happy Independence Day everyone.

I started the day very early and it’s now late.

Will be back on regular posting schedule tomorrow.

Have a nice evening.  Carpe PM, jeff noel 🙂

Mid-Life Reverence?

Mid-Life Reverence?

“Associate reverently, and as much as you can, with your loftiest thoughts”.   — Henry David Thoreau

There’s an old saying, “Garbage in, garbage out”.  And another, “You are what you eat”.

We are what we repeatedly do.

Mid-life excellence is a habit.  Not having mid life excellence is also a habit.

Chose wisely.

And remember, this is the hardest work you will ever undertake.  So, if you’re looking for an easy way, I personally don’t think you’ll ever find it.

But please know, finding it is my greatest wish for you.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Mid-life Health

Mid-Life Health.

What a gift.

My wife’s 94-year old Grammy would always say, “Health is wealth”!

Only 29 days until I fly to Finland to stay healthy.  Visit www.Lane8.org to follow this David versus Goliath story inspired by a bad cholesterol report over a decade ago.

Staying alive and healthy to see our son grow is an enormous motivation for me to remain focused and disciplined.

Wishing you enormous motivation to get and stay healthy.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Done is better than perfect

Done is better than perfect.

I saw that thought on a blog yesterday.  It made me think.

In my life, and maybe in yours, I have found myself, sometimes, paralyzed when faced with choices that are important.

The choices come with risks, particularly the risk of failure.  Or worse, not only failing, but “looking stupid”.

So, during my prolonged mid-life crisis, I’ve accelerated my sense of urgency and increased my threshold for failure and looking stupid.

This thought that, done is better than perfect, was just the sort of mid-life sage advice I needed to hear.

Today’s wish from all of us at Mid Life Celebration, is that you find the courage and will to push through your fears.

I can only begin to explain the mid-life liberation it has provided – beyond my wildest dreams.

Dream big!  We only get one chance.  Carpe diem, jeff noel   🙂

Satisfied Needs Do Not Motivate

Satisfied Needs Do Not Motivate.

Do they?

This is a tricky mid-life crisis question, I think.

How do we come to mid-life, most of us anyway, and wake up one day, look in the mirror and ask, “How did I get here?  Where am I?  Who am I?  Where did all my childhood dreams go?”

Maybe our “needs” shifted.  Maybe our desire to satisfy our needs took a turn when we had so many, we couldn’t decide what to focus on, so we focused on what society was throwing in our face.

I’m not wise enough to know the answer.

All I know is that I feel like I still have valuable time left on this planet, and I want to make a difference.

Mother Theresa said, “If you can’t do great things, do small things with great love”.

At mid-life, I’ll take solace in that.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂