Freedom Lies Here

Blogging for Business? Brilliant (and obvious) it seemed! We need all the help we can get. You know, to get the word out.

That was Spring, 2007. Here we are 4 years later. I’m closing in on 4,000 posts. The people I shared this email (and vision) with have 1 post. This is neither good nor bad. It is what it is, that’s all.

“Freedom lies in being bold.” – Robert Frost

And in dreaming. And also on getting started.

Next Blog

Yesterday’s answer: Not so well.

December 31, 2010

The meaning of Life:

  • Love & Be Loved
  • Fulfill Your Unique Purpose
  • Embrace Faith & Hope In Tomorrow
  • Live In The Present
  • Serve Others Humbly
  • Balance Life’s Big 5 Choices

We could argue, add, subtract, debate. Doesn’t matter.

What matters is having your list, one you can remember and share easily.

If not, you’re in no position to debate. None. Take a stand. Nail it down for crying out loud.

One more day….Next Blog

Zen & The Art Of Teaching

Uncommonly Insightful
Uncommonly Insightful

William Glasser suggests this is the way we learn, and more importantly, retain information, yet his ideas, which focus on personal choice, personal responsibility and personal transformation, are considered controversial by mainstream psychiatrists.

What all of us can consider not controversial, is the simple fact that we are born, we live and learn, and then we die.

What and how we do it, and the impact we make, is up to us. Period.

Next Blog.

It’s A Common Question

Profoundly Simple
Profoundly Simple

How do you write five daily blogs? A common question from people I meet.


It’s sort of like running.

I don’t know why I do it, all I know is that i enjoy it and cannot help myself.

Drive. Hope. Faith. Purpose. Mission. Balance.

If you can’t find a role model, become one.

next blog

January Will Be Simplicity


Happy New Year’s Eve, the biggest drinking day of the year, in the entire world.

What will your New Year’s (or whatever date you use) Resolution be for 2010?

How did you do with the one(s) you made in 2009?

If you are curious enough or smart enough to pay attention, you can learn a lot from what I share. But like anything where excellence is a goal, the focus has to be constant.

Not everyone can keep up. That’s just the law of nature. There’s only a certain type that has that focus and discipline. What type are you?

Looking back to my 2009 resolution to start an Internet-based business, here are some numbers, mostly for posterity (and certainly not to boast):

  • 20 – 2008 Mid Life Celebration blog posts
  • 312 – 2009 Mid Life Celebration blog posts

Humongous difference, eh?

Why? Because of:

  1. Passion
  2. Purpose
  3. Focus
  4. Discipline
  5. Resolve