Lists. Top ten lists. Mid life. Midlife lists. Midlife top ten lists.
Mind, Body, Spirit, Money.
Life’s Big Four. Life’s four big decision areas.
All day long we make decisions around these four very simple concepts of mind, body, spirit and money. Mostly unaware.
Having answers to critical questions empowers us with a peace that is unknown to people still searching.
What they are searching for and why they pass by the obvious, is understandable and it is also sad. Humans are conditioned to complicate life. Complicated does not get us closer to peace.
Only discernment, organization and finally, determination to be focused and disciplined.
I know well. It’s taken me 50 years to figure it out. Ok, I’m slow. But also determined.
There is hope for you and your dreams. If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times – there is no shortcut.