More Goodness?

More?  Goodness?  More Goodness?

Mid Life Goodness?  Indeed.

At mid-life, shouldn’t we be on our way to making the world a better place?

Look, I’m an optimist.   That doesn’t make me a bad person, anymore than someone who’s not an optimist. Different strokes for different folks.  Fair enough?

How does one acquire mid-life wisdom in order to want to think about mid-life goodness all the time?

I don’t know exactly.   We might at least agree that we will all do this, or not do this, in our own unique way, on our own time schedules.

Here’s a tactic I use to practice courage.  And, I believe courage is a critical success factor.

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;  he who does not ask the question remains a fool forever“.   — Chinese Proverb

I love how quotes like this make me think at a different, and perhaps obvious, level.  Hope your day is filled with courage and great thinking.  Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Is May Goodness Month?

Is May Goodness Month?

Yes. Goodness, to me, is a fundamental attitude to do good, versus the distinct opposite, which is to not do good.

This becomes especially clear if you’re on the receiving end of the opposite of Goodness. Ya with me now?

May is dedicated to thoughts on Goodness, collected here and there from the past 35 years of living, traveling, reading, observing, etc.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

Quote from Frank Outlaw.

Mid-life is a great time to do an inventory of our lives and ask, “Is a fundamental attitude to do Good a bad thing”?

With a followup question, “On a scale, 1 -10, ten being high, one being low, where do I rate myself”?

Hey, it’s a no-brainer that you can do whatever you want. We all have choices. I think about them all the time, because I know an eight-year old who’s watching me every day.

Make today a great mid-life celebration, if you can. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Mid Life Common Sense?

Mid life common sense?

Watching President Obama last night give his “First 100 Days” speech, he spoke of many things facing our Nation and the World.

First up was Swine Flu.

What struck me about this topic, is what all of us can do. He listed a handful of easy, simple steps. See if any of this sounds ridculous.

1. Wash your hands often.
2. Cover your mouth when you sneeze.
3. Don’t touch your eyes or mouth without washing your hands.
4. If you’re sick, stay home.
5. If your child is sick, keep them home.

After 50 years on this planet, I’ve learned many important lessons. Many of them were learned “the hard way”.

Hours before the President’s speech, while driving my son home from school, we talked about this very subect. It was good timing, because the school is also teaching the kids what to do.

Mid life is like this. There are simple things we can do to alleviate certain “dangers”. The difference is we already know these things to be self-evident, or common sense.

The other difference is we don’t need anyone to tell us.

Or do we?

Make it a great day to practice mid-life common sense. Because if you don’t, who will. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Ever Wonder?

Ever wonder if there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing?

That’s the kind of crazy stuff I think about all the time.

I think Walt Disney thought like that. I’ve studied Walt Disney and his organization for 45 years. So, I know a little.

In fact, one could make a decent argument that after 45 years, I could easily be labeled a Disney Expert.

Whether it’s now in mid-life, or some other time, I’ve always wondered about doing things in a more effective way.

I better get going, today’s another chance to try to do something great and make a difference in our world.

Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Mid Life Crisis Prayer

My Mid Life crisis prayer?

It’s simple. It came to me one day as I thought about, “What prayer could we say every night at dinner that would hold the “meaning of life” for our young son“?

“We pray for Peace in our soul, Joy in our spirit, and Love in our heart. For all our Family, all our friends, and especially all those people less fortunate“.

Have a great day. Wishing you Peace, Joy and Love. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂