Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Just published a world-record blog post, and am actually undecided.

Should I be embarrassed or proud?

Mostly both.

As for length, embarrassed. As for content, proud.

So, a compromise. I put it on it’s own PAGE, under Book Reviews. Click here if interested in my spin on the book:

Heard of Miniature-Earth?

If you think you may be having a Mid-life crisis (or a Mid-life celebration), and think it’s tough, then you may want to consider watching this 3-minute video.


It will humble you.

It will make you feel blessed.

And it will help you realize – that what you have, and what you are capable of doing with it can make a difference in this world. But we can’t wait forever. None of us has that long.

Here’s the link. Once the website displays, click the play icon.

Mid Life Celebration thesis

Here’s a great way, in my opinion, to think of how to handle a Mid Life Crisis.

Call it a “Mid Life Celebration“!


Yes! You know what that means, celebration, right?

From Webster’s Dictionary: Celebrate implies the marking of an occasion or event, especially a joyous one, with ceremony or festivity.

French moralist, Joseph Joubert once said this:

There are single thoughts that contain the essence of a whole volume, single sentences that have the beauties of a large work“.

Yesterday’s post gave the Wikipedia defintion of Mid-Life Crisis.

Today’s post, my definition, which is simply…..

“Mid Life Celebration“.

Mid Life Celebration is a single thought that contains the essence of the entire volume. Celebrate the fact that you are alive at mid-life. It sure beats the alternative.

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will. Carpe diem, 🙂

Mid-Life and Henry David Thoreau?

Associate reverently, and as much as you can, with your loftiest thoughts.” — Henry David Thoreau

Anyone who falls into the temptation of thinking a mid-life crisis is the only path through our mid life journey, is missing, in my opinion, a huge mid-life opportunity to flourish, in a mid-lfe celebration.

Our thoughts about mid-life are really the ultimate factor in our attitude, and relative enjoyment of mid-life.

Personally, I feel a deep sense of thankfulness that I’ve reached mid life. Imagine the people you’ve known who never made it this far. What do you think they would have given to wake up this morning, and be presented with the challenge to see today as a mid-life crisis or a mid-life celebration?

I rest my case, your honor.

Carpe diem. 🙂