Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream!

“If you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are right”. — Henry Ford

Life is hard. It’s full of fear and failure, especially at mid-life.

At what point is it okay to simply give up?

Carpe diem!

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PS.  The reason I can’t ever give up is simple. Our son will follow in my footsteps. What hope does he get if I quit?

Get Ready for This One

“To do is to know.  To know and not do, is to not yet know”.

My friend Dennis told me this a while back. I had to ask him to repeat it a few times.

Finally, it made perfect sense.

And it reminds us of the brilliance of common sense.

But common sense is only brilliant when it’s common practice.

Otherwise, it’s like you don’t even know what common sense is.

Ya with me? Hope so. Carpe diem

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Mid-Life is the Same Here

Mid-Life Crisis happens in Finland.

How do I know? I asked many Finns this week. They told me.

In preparing for the future, how far should one look?

It is wise to look further out than tomorrow, next week, next month, or later this year.

What about next year, in two years, five, ten, 15 years and more?

It is also wise to be pay attention in four simple categories.

Being in Finland this past week, has reminded me of the extraordinary effort many of the World’s Master’s athletes invest to enjoy Track & Field athletics.

Like a lot of life, it’s easier if we learn these things when we are younger. And yet, at middle-age, we get a second opportunity to rethink, re-prioritize, recommit.

People struggle with this all over the world. We Americans are no different. Neither are the Finns.

I need to get some sleep. Big time. Will have to finish this later….

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jeff noel, Lane 8 & Led Zeppelin

jeff noel, Lane 8, & Led Zeppelin.

What do they have in common?

They are in Lahti, Finland.

Here’s a jeff noel midlife You Tube video to prove it:

Hey, what can I say? I’m a serious person, but not all the time.

Carpe diem, jeff noel, Lane 8 & Led Zeppelin (my all-time fav band). 🙂

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World Championship Mid Life

Whether mid-life celebration or mid-life crisis, what would it take to be world class?

Not sure exactly.

Perhaps, it’s as simple as just being consciously aware of the fact that none of us will live forever.

We all know the truth subconsciously, don’t we? How can we not?

Want another truth? We can truly begin to live when we have achieved a heightened consciousness of the truth.

I guess that’s what it would take to have a world-class mid-life celebration.

At least that’s been my experience.

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