Mid Life Awakenings:
“Life is a series of awakenings”. — Sivananda
However, I believe there is one critical caveat, you have to wake up.
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Mid-Life is all about you.
And if you believe this, then LiveStrong
You are old enough now, in my opinion, to make up your mind. And, even if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
How about this – ChooseStrong?
Carpe diem, jeff noel
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Stop Looking at Mid-Life?
“My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it”. — Chuang Tzu
Absurd? Maybe.
Profound? Maybe.
Do I believe it? Maybe.
From my experience, the things that give the greatest happiness at mid-life, aren’t things.
They are moments of peace, of contentment, of quiet, solitude, gratefulness, thanksgiving, forgiveness, of Love, or Hope, or Faith.
Perhaps we might be able to actually make a case for being a quitter.
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Mid-Life Crisis Teacher:
“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards”. — Vernon Sanders Law
Vern Law also said, “A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits”.
Mid-Life Crisis experience, even though most of us have been through hell to get to mid-life, is one of the greatest gifts we can ever receive.
Glass half-empty or half-full. It comes down to our attitude, doesn’t it. We can not quit our efforts to keep a great attitude.
Like it or not, that’s the reality. We can not quit.
I better get going. Heard a rumor there’s a test tomorrow. Carpe diem!
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Rejoice at mid life? In the middle of a mid-life crisis? Are you kidding me? Nope. But it ain’t easy. We have to train ourselves to rejoice.
How do you train yourself to rejoice during a mid-life crisis? Couple ways.
One of my favorites is to read good thoughts, daily, like this one:
“Every man rejoices twice when he has a partner in his joy. He who shares tears with us wipes them away. He divides them in two, and he who laughs with us makes the joy double”. — Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Simple. Have someone be part of your life, and be part of someone else’s life.
This also isn’t easy, especially as we age, and even more so as we pass mid-life into late-life.
Recently, an extraordinarily insightful woman I get to work with occasionally, commented, “I’m no longer the most important person in any body’s life”.
Not in any one’s life? How can that be?
It will probably happen to all of us, if we get the privilege to live long enough.
I like to look ahead and start planning for things I haven’t yet seen, nor can yet comprehend.
Mid-Life is part of our journey, if we are lucky to make it that far. It seemed to me that I shouldn’t waste the gift of middle age.
While it’s impossible to predict the future. There is one thing I do predict, that mid-life rejoicing will help me more than mid-life complaining.
You buy that? I do. In fact, I’ll take two, please.
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