Our head is spinning with anxious thoughts about today’s to-do list

child learning how to put gas in a car
Eventually, we have to do this for real, along with a million other things.


It’s a busy world. Our day, today, probably has our head spinning with how can we possibly accomplish everything before it’s time to go to sleep.

To add to that workload, i’m offering an eight-minute read from Seth Godin about why our educational system influences our need for compliance.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.

This website is about our mental attitude. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Domino Project Voting

Came home from work yesterday to find a fun Facebook update, with 3 cool things:

  1. Contest for Initiators
  2. Deadline = 5pm Today, March 23
  3. Chance to be featured in a Kindle eBook, by Seth Godin

jeff noel has written 3,800 posts to encourage, inspire and challenge you.

He’s in Seth Godin’s Domino Project Contest. If you’d care to vote for him, click here.

Next Blog

A World-Class Thinker Thinks

Unintentionally Intimidating
Unintentionally Intimidating

A world-class thinker thinks deeper, broader and higher than those around her.

While world-class thinkers can frustrate and can be frustrated, they are indispensable, or as Seth Godin has coined, they are Linchpins.

These thinkers are typically most easily identified by the questions they ask – the ones everyone should have a clear, concise and compelling answer to, but don’t.

(next blog)

Idea Virus MLC-1N1

Notice the date in this picture? It’s today, January 16, 2009. So?

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Google Alert

OK, good morning world.  How do you start your day?  Same way every time, or each day different?

Is it a chore?  Are you anxious or worried about all that will be expected of you?

Is it exciting?  An adventure in which you get to help others by what you do?

Each morning begins the same for me.  On my knees, three prayers. Kiss my wife and son as they sleep. Turn on all the computers. Head downstairs to make some coffee.

While coffee is brewing, head back upstairs to check emails on two computers.

Google alerts come in every day around a few key words.

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The point is this, in case you haven’t figured this out yet: An idea virus (credit to Seth Godin) is something good that spreads because of the Internet.

It spreads much faster, and much farther, than without the Internet.

You get this right?  It’s common sense but not common…..

PS. Never asked them to post this on the company’s Facebook page. They did it anyway. Seems it was a good idea that spread.