Mid-Life Irritation?

Mid-Life Irritation?



Of course.  Getting older, our body isn’t the same as it was.  It’s easier to get hurt.  Easier to have physical limitations.  It’s called the aging process.

It can also happen mentally, spiritually, financially.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”.  — Carl Jung

Like yesterday’s post, this is a reminder for me.  

Reminders, I believe, need to happen everyday.  And sometimes, all day.

We get distracted very easily as adults. 

Overwhelmed with life.


Over committed.

You name it, it’s easy to let go of the important, in order to medicate ourselves with the urgent.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I never said what I post here would be obvious.  Sometimes what you read here will require you to reread it and even spend some time reflecting on it.  Or not.

Choice is yours.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Happy choosing and carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Dog Days?

Mid Life Dog Days?

“You may drive a dog off the King’s chair, and it will climb into the preacher’s pulpit;  he views the world unmoved, unembarrassed, unabashed”.  — Jean De La Bruyere

With Summer nearly here, and a mid life crisis happening right now, or sometime soon, wouldn’t it be nice to have the audacity of a dog?

Carpe diem my audacious mid life companions.  jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Observations

Mid Life Observations?


“You can observe a lot by watching”.  — Yogi Berra

Profoundly simple and simply profound, are the keys to success in life, particularly at mid life.

Today, I’m going to try to not be so busy that I can’t appreciate the little things.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂


Hatred at Mid Life?

Hatred at Mid Life?

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not”.  — Andre Gide

I believe this mid life quote to be true, but struggle sometimes to make it real.


Because it takes courage.  Having courage can make you unpopular and lonely.

Who wants that at mid life?  

Yet courage, really, is one of the few things in mid-life that makes us whole.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Anger?

Anger at Mid Life?


There’s a lot we have to be angry about at mid life.

Yet, may I humbly submit this midlife quote for your consideration?

“Anyone who angers you, conquers you”.  — Sister Kenny

Sometimes, it takes every fiber in my body and soul not to get angry.  And like other lessons I’ve learned through 50 years of life, staying focused and disciplined is always better and more productive than not.

Good luck.  Stay with it.   Don’t give up.  Forgive yourself and keep trying.

There’s a Chinese proverb that says something to this effect:

“Fall down seven times, get up eight”.

Make it a GREAT day.  Carpe diem. jeff noel  🙂