Going Through the Motions?

It’s really easy, isn’t it?  Why?  Because that’s what we do.  It’s safe. It’s predictable.

However, I just can’t accept the status quo.  Can you?  Do you? There has to be more.  Intuitively, there has to be more.  Doesn’t there?

So if there is more, how do we strive to get it?  Why do we strive to get it? Should we strive to get it?

Whatever it takes to give ourselves Peace and Contentment. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, I think:

“We aim above the mark to hit the mark”.

Mid Life Learning

Mid Life learning:

“We learn as much from sorrow as from joy, as much from illness as from health, from handicap as from avantage – and indeed perhaps more”. Pearl S. Buck

Maybe.  Maybe not.  What do you think?  Many mid life adults are too busy to even contemplate this kind of thinking.  I know full well the medicinal affects of a busy schedule. It can be used as a shield to protect us from painful truths.

“In youth we learn; in age we understand”. Marie von Ebner Eschenbach

Mid Life learning?  Maybe.  Maybe not.

Mid Life Crisis Choices?

Mid Life Crisis Choices?

Yes.  There are choices all day, every day.  Like yesterday, when I posted about the person making snide remarks.  My patience was quickly evaporating by the lack of what I would call “personal respect”.

There was a mid life crisis moment of choice – take the high road or take the low road.

So all I can hope to do is make good mid life crisis choices when I’m faced with the high road or the low road.  Always take the high road.  It’s uphill and more work. But the view is spectacular.

What Is A Mid Life Crisis?

What is a mid life crisis?

One thing for sure, it isn’t a mid life celebration.

Just look at the difference in the two words:

  1. Mid Life Crisis
  2. Mid Life Celebration

I mean seriously, if you could only pick one, which would you pick?

Mid Life Celebration Einstein

Mid Life Celebration Einstein.  Huh?  Exactly.  Confusing isn’t it? Here’s what I mean by mid life celebration, Einstein.

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”. — Albert Einstein

Listen, everyone recognizes Einstein as a genius.  We ought to seriously consider his insight here.

And I think Mid Life adults have the most potential to embrace this and make creative choices, and take creative action, to reverse the mid life crisis and let it morph into a mid life celebration.  Ya with me?

Psssst.  Shhhhhh.  (whispering) Here’s a little secret between you and me.  Most mid life adults will miss virtually every opportunity to hear messages just like this one.  And their mid life crisis never gets to be their mid life celebration.  Bummer.