Feed your mind well

Pinterest sends me an email couple times a week. This was from yesterday’s.


Feed your mind well. No one else will do this for you.

So obvious.


So oblivious.

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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Mid Life Crisis Choices?

Mid Life Crisis Choices?

Yes.  There are choices all day, every day.  Like yesterday, when I posted about the person making snide remarks.  My patience was quickly evaporating by the lack of what I would call “personal respect”.

There was a mid life crisis moment of choice – take the high road or take the low road.

So all I can hope to do is make good mid life crisis choices when I’m faced with the high road or the low road.  Always take the high road.  It’s uphill and more work. But the view is spectacular.