Take Your Time, But Hurry Up

“You no longer spend your life hurrying around the corner for something which is never there”.Rex Harrison

If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times.  There is no guarantee in life, except that we will die.

There seems to be a delicate balance between hurrying and not hurrying. We shouldn’t rush blindly through life, bypassing life’s simple pleasures.

But then again, we can’t spend too much time doing what pleases us, because in the end, there really is much work to be done.  Our: mind, body, spirit, money, community, job, sleep, errands, chores, etc.

If we take our cue from nature, animals are constantly trying to survive. There is always the threat of danger lurking somewhere.  In nature the saying goes, “Survival of the fittest”. I’m not talking physically, I’m talking comprehensively.

Ya with me, comprehensively.  This means your day will be really busy. Or not.

Mid Life Purple Cow?

Mid Life Purple Cow?  It’s ok if you don’t know what this is.

It’s ok. But it’s a shame. Not a big shame, but a shame nevertheless.

Better late than never, right? So I began reading Seth Godin’s Purple Cow last week. Finished it yesterday.

If you seek encouragement because you dream bigger than most, and you often feel “stupid” when people comment on your big dreams, this is a must read.

It will make you feel better. I guarantee it (unless you’re an alien).

If you are a Purple Cow (remarkable), most of the herd dislikes you because you’re different. Because you’re annoying; threatening, in a way.

Being remarkable is risky. Playing it safe is risky. In life, we get to pick one. Don’t be a chicken.

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