Joy Is A Choice

Joy is a choice I get to make every moment of every day.  Same with you, even if it doesn’t seem so.

Did I mention that I have a pile of emotional baggage as big as many of you?

Did I mention that my wife and I are disabled?

Did I mention we spent our life savings to become parents?

Did I mention our son has an incurable disease?

Did I mention that I’ve overcome addiction?

The list goes on and on. So please, please don’t say, “But you’ve got it made.  You are living the dream.  You are so fortunate.”

This would generally be considered an insult, and completely disrespectful.  And maybe the beginning of an excuse.

But forgiveness rushes in and all that’s left is joy.  Almost unspeakable joy.

Hate To Work?

“If you choose a job that you like you will never have to work another day in your life.” Confucius

Looks good on paper.  Yet, I know so many mid life professionals who are stuck in a career or job that no longer (or never did) feeds their passion.

In many ways, for a variety of reasons, I’ve been there myself.  It is not pleasant. But we have mortgages, bills to pay, mouths to feed, etc.  So we do it.  Day in, day out.

This is one of the big causes of a mid life crisis, along with others like illness, disease, divorce, empty nest syndrome, death, bankruptcy, infidelity.

This week will likely focus on career joy. And the best way to get it is to have a job where you get to do more than you have to do. Ya with me?

December Dedicated to Joy

November was dedicated to Thankfulness, and now December is dedicated, mostly, to Joy.

There are several types of Joy.

There’s Joy in your Spirit, in knowing you have a Creator that loves you beyond measure.

Joy in daily living, perhaps the “fun factor”, sort of like happiness, and laughter.

And also Joy in being unselfish, in serving others.

Finally, I believe there is Joy in knowing you are living your best life, with a moral integrity that leaves you humbled by what you’ve overcome.

It’s a Joy, to dedicate December to the concept  of Joy.  You may have a different perspective on Joy.  The fact that we are free to express, and think for, ourselves should bring us Joy.

One thing for sure, I’m especially thankful for Mid Life Joy!  🙂

Balance Deconstructed

Mind.  Body.  Spirit.  Money.  Otherwise known as Balance. This is the second of two posts today. A double shot!

Do you know anyone who epitomizes work-life balance?  I do not.  So I took matters into my own hands and came up with a life-changing model.  It’s ridiculously simple.

MIND – Mental Health, Learning, Attitude

BODY – Physical Health & Wellness

SPIRIT – Spiritual Health; Faith, Hope & Love

MONEY – Financial Health; Job, Career, our contribution to society

I’ve literally spent a lifetime searching for the secret recipe for balance. Since becoming a Father nine years ago, this is the one I’m convinced is the key to transforming my life.

Focus on Life’s Big Four.  Hey, I’m not a scientist or a genius, just a common man who looks at things differently and likes to keep it simple.

Family Time At Disney

Family time at the Walt Disney World Resort. This month in particular, we’ve visited Disney Theme Parks every week.  Why?  Cooler temperatures initiated it.

Mid Life Celebration has kept it alive.  A mid life crisis is when a sort of panic (or doubt) sets in that has us question if we are on the correct path in our lives.  Can’t remember ever being so busy with life. Can you?

Perhaps it’s the economic situation and the constant change that is happening all around us.  What to do?  Go to Disney.  Walt Disney wanted a place where Families could do nice things together and forget about reality for a couple hours or a couple days.

We take frequent, but short trips to Disney Theme Parks. Here’s a jeff noel midlife You Tube from earlier this month:

Hope your Mid Life Celebration includes some Family time. It’s challenging to find quality family time, when you’re so busy dealing with all the things life places in front of you. Carpe diem.