Dear Son, Life’s Wakeup Calls Are Huge Gifts And Mine Was Discovering Parenting Is Not An Entitlement

Rhode Island, June 16, 2011

Dear Son, every day is Father’s Day. Your Mother and I suffered through an invisible disability, infertility. Parenting is not an entitlement for some couples.

Spending our life savings, struggling for 8 years with pathetic odds, with no guarantee – heart wrenching. Doing our bear hug every day after school – priceless.

I hope every parent can comprehend the wealth children bring.

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Joy Is A Choice

Joy is a choice I get to make every moment of every day.  Same with you, even if it doesn’t seem so.

Did I mention that I have a pile of emotional baggage as big as many of you?

Did I mention that my wife and I are disabled?

Did I mention we spent our life savings to become parents?

Did I mention our son has an incurable disease?

Did I mention that I’ve overcome addiction?

The list goes on and on. So please, please don’t say, “But you’ve got it made.  You are living the dream.  You are so fortunate.”

This would generally be considered an insult, and completely disrespectful.  And maybe the beginning of an excuse.

But forgiveness rushes in and all that’s left is joy.  Almost unspeakable joy.