Did You Know jeff noel’s Birthday Is In 3 Days?

Yep, June 8th…this place looks good for a party, eh?

Sometimes Marriott or Westin. Sometimes a B & B. Here’s the Victorian Inn in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, two blocks from Acadia University. So what, right?

On the way to helping make the world a better place, jeff noel aims to provide you with 5 daily gifts. Gifts to help you think, smile, or be grateful.

And I don’t allow a busy schedule or writer’s block to get in the way.

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No Writer’s Block Here

Metaphorically Speaking
Metaphorically Speaking

In fact, quite the opposite. So much happens in one single day that inspires, entertains, or challenges me that it seems like there’s always more to say than can be said.

Do you feel like that?

If you do, why do you think it’s so?

If you don’t, why do you think it’s not so?

Do we really have a choice, or is it not under our control?


Little bit. Maybe it’s the cold. Maybe not. Maybe it’s the time difference. Maybe not. Maybe it’s writer’s block.  Maybe not.

Whatever it is, I’m thankful for it.


Thankful for writer’s block?  As a writer, are you telling me you’re thankful that you can’t write?


The simple fact of addressing something honestly can be liberating. Plus, the fact that most of the time writing comes easy, well, that inevitably will lead to days where it doesn’t.

So, I’m abundantly thankful for both sides of the coin.  Are you? Make it a great, and thankful, day.  Because if you don’t, who will? If not today, when?  Carpe diem.