Two Mid Life Celebration Items

Two quick things:

1.  If you are not aware of the other four blogs associated with Mid Life Celebration, which is totally possible, feel free to visit  my Internet headquarters at

2. If you have heard about the daily five-a-day blogging and have any interest  or curiosity as to why, I’m currently wrapping up a three part series on this at

Hope you have a GREAT Monday and that this week is the best week of your entire life.

If it sounds crazy, that’s okay.  May I challenge you to ask yourself, “What’s stopping me from having the best week of my entire life?”

Mid Life Change Eh?

“To be human is to change.  To be perfect is to change often.” Henry Newman

Heard this last Sunday at Church.  It resonated. I immediately wrote it down, because it reminds me what I’m trying to say at Mid Life Celebration.

Mid Life Celebration, or as some say, mid life crisis, is a time to:

  1. Rethink
  2. Reprioritize
  3. Recommit

The above three also happen to be the tag line here at Mid Life Celebration, which is two years old now.

That’s all it is. Do those three. And then start the process over again.

PS.  The domain name is two years old, but I’ve been using the phrase in a variety of ways for 11 years, since my mid life crisis celebration began.

Mid Life Celebration on You Tube

Mid Life Celebration.  It’s the antithesis of mid life crisis. Same thing, different outlook.

Attitude makes all the difference, doesn’t it?  Whether it’s personal or professional, attitude is a way to excel in anything.

jeff noel (that’s me), founder at Mid Life Celebration, was traveling through Columbia, South Carolina a few days ago and noticed this airport hallway billboard.

To be excellent once, or maybe twice, is a huge accomplishment. But to do it eight straight years, well, unbelievable.

But that’s exactly what Lexington Medical Center has done. Here’s the one-take-You Tube video with my commentary:

You know what watching this video does for me? It reminds me that attitude is everything and also that much can be gained by reinforcing simple principles like this. Ya with me?

Mid Life Distance

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”Victor Borge

Hope you enjoyed the rare Mid Life Celebration blog post yesterday.

Rare?  Yes.  In fact, it was probably the first of it’s kind. A joke.  And it brought joy to post it.

I have it in me.  Really, I do.  Every one has a sense of humor, even me, and laughter is good medicine.

Just yesterday, I was in the Atlanta airport heading to Dallas, and asked a couple with grown children, “Any advice on raising boys”?

With the husband still thinking of an answer, the wife instantaneously responded, “Have a sense of humor!”

What are the odds?

Happiness Is Your Nature

“Happiness is your nature.  It is not wrong to desire it.  What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”Ramana Maharishi

Yesterday’s post spoke of escape, implying that when faced with an overwhelming obstacle, we may run from it, try to avoid it, ignore it, medicate it, deny it, etc.

We are always going to be faced with life’s challenges.  And the proverbial mid life crisis is more or less a universal phenomenon for virtually all adults.

We get to a place, don’t like it, and then think we can take a short cut to move past it.  Maybe.  Maybe some can.  I certainly couldn’t.

However, when I started to look inside for the answers instead of outside, my life began to transform.

Consider this, there is infinite joy to be had, to be discovered, to be shared.  I mean, happiness is our nature.

When I dream without any limits, I dream of others having this wonderful mid life celebration, instead of the proverbial midlife crisis.