Mid Life Monday?

Mid Life Monday?   Seems so.

And here’s a thought:

“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say.  I just watch what they do”. – Andrew Carnegie

This is why so many people, myself included, struggle in life.  Our intentions and our behaviors are two different things.  This sends the wrong, and unintentional, message to others.

Not until we become aware of this, admit to it, and then resolve to change, can we lead a better, more fulfilling life.

A life with more peace and contentment.

At least that’s my intent.

Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Errors?

Mid Life Errors?

“Rather an error of the intellect, than an error of the heart”. —  jeff noel

There have been times in my life when I’ve made “stupid mistakes“.  And I’m certain there are more to be made as long as I’m alive.  Ya with me?

However, there have been very few that I’ve intentionally gone out of my way to be hurtful.

It’s my intention to never do that again, ever!

While I’ll never be labeled a genius, there’s still a chance to be labeled “a good man with a good heart“.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂

Boomer Bloggers Carnival?

What is Boomer Bloggers Carnival?

Not sure exactly, but I’m checking it out. 


Because there’s something about change and good ideas that I don’t want to miss.

There’s a post at jungle jeff.net that is an interesting look at how President Obama and The White House have a blog.

Do you have:

  • Cell phone
  • Postal Address
  • Computer
  • e-mail address
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Facebook profile
  • Website
  • Blog

Most will say yes to the first four, but hardly any boomers will say yes to all of the final four.


Don’t know exactly.   I do know that the final four are as common as the first four, to the generations younger than the Baby Boomers.

Remember how we used to (and maybe still do) look at the older generations as “old”?

There’s a reason for that.

We don’t stop doing things because we get old.  We get old because we stop doing things.

Just do it and carpe diem, jeff  🙂

Mid Life VIP?

Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good“.  — Ann Landers

Ann Landers’s quote should come as no surprise to anyone who’s reached mid-life wisdom.

At Disney, they define VIP as, “Very Individual Person“.

It may be safe to say that when we treat someone as an individual, we treat them as a VIP – Very Important Person.

Make it a GREAT day!  Because if you don’t, who will?  If not now, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

More Goodness?

More?  Goodness?  More Goodness?

Mid Life Goodness?  Indeed.

At mid-life, shouldn’t we be on our way to making the world a better place?

Look, I’m an optimist.   That doesn’t make me a bad person, anymore than someone who’s not an optimist. Different strokes for different folks.  Fair enough?

How does one acquire mid-life wisdom in order to want to think about mid-life goodness all the time?

I don’t know exactly.   We might at least agree that we will all do this, or not do this, in our own unique way, on our own time schedules.

Here’s a tactic I use to practice courage.  And, I believe courage is a critical success factor.

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes;  he who does not ask the question remains a fool forever“.   — Chinese Proverb

I love how quotes like this make me think at a different, and perhaps obvious, level.  Hope your day is filled with courage and great thinking.  Carpe diem, jeff 🙂