If Google Is The New Resume, And You’re Nearing Retirement, Do You Like Your Resume?

What possesses someone to snap a photo like this? (Indianapolis, Sept. 2010)

Real life, in real time. Take 20 pics to get 1 good one. No National Geographic. Just observations. Often profound. Read the top of the Starbucks cup.

Yeah, I’m talking to ___.

How’s your resume & retirement plan? Go.

And yes, I’m assuming that most of us have work plans after we retire.

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Easy Part

To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult. – Goethe

Do you focus on fundamentals? I mean life’s basic truths? Can you imagine the success you’d achieve if you’d embrace a lifestyle as Goethe suggests?

These are the things that set people on a trajectory for greater peace and contentment. Or not. Put up or shut up.

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What’s one of the biggest roadblocks to engaging trust with others?

It’s one that usually never surfaces and should be at the top of the list. It’s our own insecurity.

Insidiously, insecurity is fed by the media and worst of all, our friends. Our friends, trying to act in our best interests, sabotage a good thing.

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