Is there a place for arrogance in business?

Unofficial books about Disney Business practices


(photo: Dennis Snow is a very special person. A Disney expert. A successful small business owner. A former colleague. A friend.)

Arrogance means pride. It also means conceit.

  1. Proud.
  2. Conceited.

Proud and conceited, though related, are two very different things. Pride stems from a feeing of gratitude, joy, contribution, expertise. Conceit stems from being excessively proud, and vain.

Dennis truly is a Disney expert (and very proud grandfather) who is grateful and joyful in making a significant contribution.

So anyone claiming to be expert will be thought of in one of two ways: credible or arrogant.

This is a scary proposition for a newbie (with 30 years of Disney experience) in this “self-employed Disney space”.

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Is creative Marketing the same as conservative bragging?

Orlando Based Executive Consultants


(photo: Ever seen a profile description like this one above?)


Can’t live with it, can’t live without it.

We only get to pick from two options.

Exceptional and detremental.

Those with exceptional attitudes have a long list of positive outcomes from the trail of positivity their minds create, nurture, and sustain.

Putting this down on a digital marketing brochure is both fun and awkward.

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The difference in attitude is crystal clear

Sanford Orlando Airport Parking garage view


(photo: First client call was from the top of the Sanford Orlando airport parking garage… in the car)

The difference in attitude is crystal clear. Imagine yesterday’s call with the CEO. He’s listening to the executive business consultant and determining if it’s a right fit.

It will cost the CEO a lot of money and what’s on the line is his corporate culture – the way his people interact with his cherished customers, and each other.

When the voice coming through the receiver is insanely positive, optimistic, and confident it’s almost too easy.

And the world class business consultant? He’s listening for the same things.

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Third day of retirement begins right now

Orlando Based Leadership Consultant


(photo: 30 years at Disney, including the past 15 years consulting with some of the biggest Companies in the world)

On the third day of retirement there is an unusual feeling never felt before in 55 years. One that began swelling up yesterday (a Sunday) with the realty that there is no longer a boss to answer to today.

Or ever.

Not in the traditional sense anyway.

There’s a new sherif in town as they say. He’s a good guy.

jeff noel is an Orlando based motivational speaker. He has spoken to one million+ people globally. Mostly Fortune 500’s.

He recently retired from Disney after 30 incredible years, including the past 15 speaking for Disney Institute.

It is rare when someone with this experience, personality, and drive become available.

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