The mental battle of mind over matter…
The marketing battle that takes place in our head between confidence and arrogance is brutal. It never ends.
On one hand, confidence is essential for great things to happen.
On the other hand, arrogance is like drinking poison.
The catch 22 is that the two can look like twins, even though they’re not.
And here’s what i’m learning as an entrepreneur: You have to constantly move forward. Success will not come to you. You have to (repeat, have to) go and get it.
Successful, optimistic people easily recognize confidence.
Unsuccessful, jealous people see arrogance, because it justifies their lack of courage.
i pray for both groups.
It is difficult to leave people behind.
Be confident in knowing that you are not hurting the ones left behind. They have already committed themselves to that position. It’s not your fault.
And it is also not arrogant.
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