Mid Life Travels

Mid Life Travels.  Whether we travel physically or mentally, we are always on a journey.

In an hour, I’ll be heading west on I-70 to Indianapolis International Airport.

As with many business travelers, speed is often the name of the game – get us there as quickly as possible.

Maybe the fundamental catalyst for a mid life crisis is our very nature to want to hurry along at the quickest pace.

More is better. Faster is better. Until we wake up one day and wonder how we got here. How we got to mid life so quickly.

Better get going. Don’t want to get caught in morning rush hour traffic and miss my flight.

Actually, I don’t want to miss anything mid-life has to offer.

Do you?

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Mid Life World Class

Mid Life is world class. It really is. But we have to work hard at it.

How does a young child go from jumping off the kiddie ramp in the first photo, to jumping off the world class ramp?

The same way you and I become great at anything.


Last week I had the privilege to represent the United States at the Master’s Track & Field World Championships.

I got there the same way the ski jumpers did.


Today is a great day to practice.  If not today, when?

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Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream!

“If you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are right”. — Henry Ford

Life is hard. It’s full of fear and failure, especially at mid-life.

At what point is it okay to simply give up?

Carpe diem!

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PS.  The reason I can’t ever give up is simple. Our son will follow in my footsteps. What hope does he get if I quit?

Get Ready for This One

“To do is to know.  To know and not do, is to not yet know”.

My friend Dennis told me this a while back. I had to ask him to repeat it a few times.

Finally, it made perfect sense.

And it reminds us of the brilliance of common sense.

But common sense is only brilliant when it’s common practice.

Otherwise, it’s like you don’t even know what common sense is.

Ya with me? Hope so. Carpe diem

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Final Leg of Long Journey

Somewhere past the Georgia – Florida border, at 32K feet on a Delta flight, less than an hour from Orlando and home.

I was so crazy tired this morning while sitting at the Helsinki airport, it was challenging to stay awake to type, let alone think clearly.

Got a few hours sleep on the Copenhagen to Atlanta leg – a nine hour flight.  Saw icebergs for the first time ever, as well as seeing Iceland for the first time.

The point to be made below in this morning’s unfinished post:

Everyone goes through some sort of mid-life feeling. The length, depth, theme, intensity, and outcomes are unique and individual.

It was refreshing, if I can use that term loosely, to hear that my new Finnish friends knew exactly what I was talking about when I described Mid Life Celebration.

Chalk up another key learning to this week’s experiences:

“It’s a Small World After All”. — Walt Disney

PS. And the point is that mid life, if we refocus, helps us see things we know to be true, but got too busy with life to remember.  Like our health.  Like what Walt Disney said…

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