Jacob’s Ladder?

"The Office"
"The Office"

Heading back to Walt Disney World (home) in a few hours. Travel is part of life for many. You meet a lot of people. And in our rush to get here and there, we often miss the small, golden opportunities to expand our horizons.

I talk to every cab driver, and always start a brief conversation from the plane seat, quickly evaluating whether or not the person feels like briefly talking. And most of the time, I’d be content to relax and sit quietly, or do work.

But in midlife, our clock is ticking, so I take small opportunities to uncover inspiration to share on these blogs. And it’s everywhere. Bet we’ll hear about in the next day or two.

Next Blog

PS. Jacob left Russia with $100 in his pocket, 19 years ago. Mark is a world-class auctioneer, and a very wise Father. Two years ago, Carol’s (a children’s fashion designer) friend, 50, suddenly discovered she had pancreatic cancer and  was given three months.

Mid Life Travel

Is He Pulling A Princess Bag?
Is He Pulling A Princess Bag?

Most humans love to travel. There’s something about travel that brings out the adventurer in all of us.

There are different types of travel:

  • Routine, day to day
  • Once in a lifetime
  • Business
  • Obligation (wedding, death)
  • Spontaneous
  • Award (prize)
  • Family tradition
  • Fantasy (day dreams)

We often dream of traveling more when we retire – when we have more time, more money for ourselves.

Today, I’m doing business travel.  Never thought life would lead me to a job that pays me to travel and give speeches to change the world.

Mid Life Crisis is reaching our lifelong destination and realizing, “This isn’t what I wanted!”

Mid Life Celebration is reaching your midlife crisis and figuring out creative ways to turn it into the best time of your life.

It’s A Weird Morning

Everyone has these moments. Only the frequency varies. You know the kind – were your day begins like every other, except you just feel off-center, or weird – and you can’t put your finger on “why?”.   That said, it rarely happens in my “world”.  But it’s happening now.

Sitting here in this North Carolina Hampton Inn, at 5:30 AM, with several hours of work to do before catching a shuttle to the Charlotte airport.

It’s a weird morning.

Five days ago, I was in our son’s classroom at 9:00AM for “Teach Your Parent” day. Our son taught us several lessons from the Montessori curriculum. Then off to the Orlando airport.

Two flights and many hours later, I was on the 16th floor of the Toronto Intercontinental Hotel, connected to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, and one block from the world’s tallest free-standing concrete structure.

A few days and a few speeches later, I’m in this North Carolina Hampton Inn.  The days and the speeches go by.  Each one, a tremendous opportunity to do great work. The days are long, and rewarding.

In the middle of this, our son has an overnight school camping trip at a Florida State Park.

You would think that writing five different, daily blogs would exhaust blog topics.  Quite the opposite. I find myself with so much to say.

It’s a weird morning.

Idea Virus MLC-1N1

Notice the date in this picture? It’s today, January 16, 2009. So?

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Google Alert

OK, good morning world.  How do you start your day?  Same way every time, or each day different?

Is it a chore?  Are you anxious or worried about all that will be expected of you?

Is it exciting?  An adventure in which you get to help others by what you do?

Each morning begins the same for me.  On my knees, three prayers. Kiss my wife and son as they sleep. Turn on all the computers. Head downstairs to make some coffee.

While coffee is brewing, head back upstairs to check emails on two computers.

Google alerts come in every day around a few key words.

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The point is this, in case you haven’t figured this out yet: An idea virus (credit to Seth Godin) is something good that spreads because of the Internet.

It spreads much faster, and much farther, than without the Internet.

You get this right?  It’s common sense but not common…..

PS. Never asked them to post this on the company’s Facebook page. They did it anyway. Seems it was a good idea that spread.