Ever wonder how you’ll handle all of the challenges you face today?
And let’s suppose we actually do get a handle on our overwhelming challenges, then what?
What are the odds that we’ll be overwhelmed again soon?
Maybe I should go back to drinking everyday. After a few drinks, we are medicated enough to stop worrying about today – it can wait until tomorrow. That’s a nice relief – no more worry today.
But it mostly can’t wait. If we do wait, more stuff is added to our “pile”.
Then we reach for our “midlife medication”.
Why we fail to look in the rear view mirror and see what is coming is beyond me.
Well, it used to be beyond me. Now, it’s staring me in the face. Every day.
It’s a ton of work, but at least I’m being honest with myself.
Talk about mid-life peace of mind.
Well, not talk. Do.