Happy 3rd Anniversary Mid Life Celebration, LLC!

Starting a small business is very risky too.

Dear Son, I’ve had small New Year’s resolutions. And monumental ones too. Everybody does. Yesterday’s post was a small resolution. Today’s post commemorates a huge effort to muster enough resolve to try to change the world. You know, like starting a business – to challenge 3% of the male Baby Boomers to do something great before they die. Happy 3rd anniversary Mid Life Celebration, LLC.

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jeff noel Shares A Mid Life Celebration Christmas Tradition Different From Yesterdays

Delivering Food For Families On Christmas Day Is A 12-Year Midlife Celebration Tradition

Midlife Celebration has a 12-year Christmas tradition delivering Food For Families in West Orange County every Christmas morning. As a blessed-beyond-measure Baby Boomer, I wanted to start a Family tradition that put the focus on others first. The commercialization of material Christmas gifts lures me in the wrong direction.

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Dear Son (and Fellow Baby Boomers), The Toughest Fact To Accept Is That We Own Our Outcomes

Don't Be A Crash Test Dummy, Be In Charge

There are exceptions to every rule. However, no one is exempt from exercising regularly, it’s our personal responsibility. We are in charge, no one else. This is life’s toughest lesson because we take the test when it’s too late. Do most elders focus on regular exercise and moderate, healthy eating?

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Midlife Insignificance And Decline Or Midlife Legacy And Growth?

Walt Disney's Epcot - Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow

It dawned on jeff noel after writing yesterday’s Mid Life Celebration post how much Disney has influenced his thinking and his midlife choices. After 28 years tCongratulations my friend. That’s a huge milestone and proof of what happens when we don’t give up. PS brilliant photo. Is that behind your childhood home?here, including 12 years teaching Walt Disney’s business practices, noel has only one way of thinking – creatively BIG!

The way Walt Disney thought – no limits. Same with Bob Iger (Disney’s CEO). Iger said he wants Disney to be universally recognized as the most admired company in the world. Bold. Extraordinarily bold.

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