Mid LIfe Mission Statement

Here’s a free resource for developing your Mid Life Mission statement

In my 50 years on Earth, I’ve asked thousands of people what the meaning of life is.  Seriously, I have.  And still do.

Know what the most common response is?


Second most common response?


I’ll bet right now that 99% of you reading this don’t have an answer that rolls of the tip of your tongue.

And the one percent that does have an answer, or thinks they have an answer – their answer will be so unprepared that you and I would find it difficult to clearly understand.

That is why, if you want to leave a legacy for the important people you love, I highly recommend you consider creating some concise, and inspiring,  answer to life’s big question.

Carpe diem, your humble servant, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life Blogging is easy and it’s hard

Mid Life blogging is easy and it’s hard.

Easy because you can choose to do whatever you want.  You’re the boss.

Hard because you may not achieve your goal.  Assuming you had a goal in mind that led you to blog, not reaching it could be a huge disappointment. 

I hope you don’t give up. 

Whether you are blogging at mid-life, or getting in shape at mid-life, or even mending some important relationship at mid-life, may you find the strength and courage to keep going.

Life is hard, that’s the conversation I had today with our eight-year old son.

But at eight, it’s really hard to comprehend.

At mid-life, we could all write a book, eh?

You know, I was actually thinking about a comment a speaker made in February at the National Speaker’s Association Winter Conference, here in my “backyard” – Walt Disney World.

He said, “Don’t die with a book in you“.

Words to live by.

And a hard decision to make on what to do with a comment like that.

Good luck and carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Mid Life and the art of Carpe Diem

Mid Life and the art of Carpe Diem.

How does one, while in mid-life, seize the day?

For me, it’s a constant, never-ending focus on being present.

I can hear a few people thinking, “OK Einstein, how do you do that“?

Again, it’s a habit of trying to always be present.

Like Tiger Woods told me last year, to be world class in anything, you have to “Out work ’em”!

Each day I try to be better than I was the day before.  And at the very least, no loss – at least maintain the level from the day before.

No rules for mid-life success will work unless you do.  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂

Google This!

Happy Monday everyone.  Hope you had a nice weekend, and that your mid-life week ahead is motivating.

I was reflecting on why I started blogging, and I’m still convinced that helping others in Mid Life, to do something great, is still a good and decent thing to do.

So, in blogging, and business, and just about anything really, if people don’t know about your service or product, you become a statistic.

I’ve read that somewhere around 90-95% of ventures that people start disappear after five years.  Meaning, they no longer exist.


Many reasons to be sure.

Marketing is a big one.

While there is temptation to feel uncomfortable with self-promotion, I believe it must be overcome.

Your vision is completely at risk if people don’t know about it.

So, Google this: Mid Life Celebration.  Being in the top three on a Google search is a VERY good thing.

If you’re on the first page, that’s great, but not as great as the top three.

Now, Google this:  jeff noel.

What’s the point?

The harder you work, the luckier you get.  I’m darn lucky to be number one and number four.

Make it a great day today a great mid-life day, because if you don’t, who will?  If not today, when?  Carpe diem, jeff noel  🙂