Changing Direction In Midlife

Do You Have The Guts To Change Direction?
Do You Have The Guts To Change Direction?

When do we pursue change?

When do we resist change?

Mostly, in our humanness, we resist it. We are basically weak, fearful creatures.  And yet we know, instinctively, that change is the only constant.

If you want midlife peace, you must be willing to earn it. Earning it requires changing.

To read, “Changing Direction In Life”, by Dr Sheri Rosenthal, click here.

There is peace in our midlife journey, and peace in our realization that midlife change is good, even if it scares us to death.

You May Already Be There

Ordinary Life Is Gold
Ordinary Life Is Gold

“Know where you’re going in life, you may already be there.”

Do you ever find yourself in a quiet moment, wondering where you’re headed, and wondering how long it will take to get there?

And maybe, if your dream lasts long enough, you find yourself at your destination, astonished.  “How did I get here?  This isn’t what I wanted?”

We may have already arrived at our best place.  Good health, only a few bills, a steady paycheck. Ample friends. Reliable things.

And yet, in midlife, if we aren’t careful, we might completely miss our exit.

Surprising Jimmy Stewart Midlife Poem

Thank you for visiting Mid Life Celebration. I know most of you are insanely busy. How? Because I’m one of you. It’s also easy to predict that most of you will not have time to click on this video, especially if you’re reading from a handheld device.

So this is for the others. The few. The ones who know full well that life is hard and that carving out time has to be some one’s responsibility.

Did you watch the sunset last night? Or the sunrise this morning?

Time marches on. This is a beautiful story. Just like last night’s sunset. But you really have no idea do you?

Mid Life Stuff

Think About Making It Simple
Think About Making It Simple

How much is enough?  A famous and sultry actress from yesteryear, Mae West once said, “Too much of a good thing is wonderful”.

We can assume she wasn’t talking about stuff. Anyway, the question still remains. And some collect stuff that defies logic, common sense, basic hygiene, and fundamental organizational skills for practical living.

Excessive collecting can complicate relationships and alienate people from the ones they love, just for starters.

Most of us certainly don’t have the answers, nor do we have any appetite for supporting this behavior. If we did, would that make us co-dependent? Like being co-dependent with an alcoholic in denial?

Click here to read “Why do we collect so much stuff?”

Each day, do you attempt to simplify?  De-clutter?  Detoxify? Purge? Reevaluate?

What if you did?

Maybe Everyone Else Is Wrong

Lane 8, Impossible?
Lane 8, Impossible?

“When everybody tells you that you are being idealistic or impractical, consider the possibility that everybody could be wrong about what is right for you.”Gilbert Kaplan