Mid Life Crisis Prayer

My Mid Life crisis prayer?

It’s simple. It came to me one day as I thought about, “What prayer could we say every night at dinner that would hold the “meaning of life” for our young son“?

“We pray for Peace in our soul, Joy in our spirit, and Love in our heart. For all our Family, all our friends, and especially all those people less fortunate“.

Have a great day. Wishing you Peace, Joy and Love. Carpe diem, jeff 🙂

Mid Life Day Off?

Mid Life day off?

Taking the morning off. May write later. May not. Carpe diem, and have a glorious Mid-Life Sunday.

Our son’s first Holy Communion was humbling and spectacular. Peace and blessings, jeff 🙂

First Holy Communion

Our eight-year old son will receive his first Holy Communion today.


Who would have ever thought I’d be a father?

My life centered around me for about 40 years, although I never admitted it.

The past decade, thanks to this Mid Life Celebration, it’s been a journey of Rethinking, Reprioritizing, and Recommiting.

The hardest part was simplist part. Rethink. Reprioritize. Recommit.

It takes effort, but like any good investment, it grows exponentially over time. They call it the magic of compound interest. It works as well with your time, as it does with your money.

Carpe diem, and spend wisely. jeff noel 🙂

Mid-Life Perfection?

Mid Life perfection? Not a chance. Not in my world anyway.

Yesterday, my eight-year old son and I were sitting outside a small cafe, enjoying the early evening breeze and enjoying our chicken fajitas.

From around the corner, cigerette smoke would fill our space and then our lungs. I used to smoke cigerettes. Let’s just say the smoke was “distracting”.

To be fair, it wasn’t so bad that it made us cough. However, it still was happening in a place where it shouldn’t have been.

When it got particularly frustrating, I noticed that the smoker had tossed the “butt” on the ground. Instead of the smoke source being around the corner, it was now directly in front of me.

I got up. Walked over, and before I used my foot to stamp it out, I looked at the guy and said, “I’m gonna help you out”.

Returning to my seat, I reflected on what had just happened and rendered myself “guilty as charged”.

In the same way the smoker was not perfect, my attitude (disgusted and angry) in the way I spoke to him wasn’t perfect either.

What happened next?

Well, I went and appologized. “I’m sorry if I made you feel bad or guilty. Please forgive me for that. I’m not perfect either”.

He accepted the appology and I think we both felt better and we both learned a nice little lesson – compassion.

I hope your day is filled with little moments where you get the mid-life opportunity to catch glimpes of your own shortcomings, and use that insight to be a little kinder, a little wiser, with your fellow humans.

Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂