In a perfect world

Group photographer


(photo: Group photo of college buddies and their wives reuniting 30+ years later, on a North Carolina mountain top home of one of the guys.)

In a perfect world, everyone would be happy.


We are in charge of how we view the world.

Many insist you can’t be happy all the time.


Can we be grateful all the time?

The answer depends on our attitude.

Nothing more, nothing less.

It all comes down to attitude.

And guess what drives our attitude?


It’s not rocket surgery.

But it does require tremendous focus and discipline.

Which also comes down to attitude.

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What is it about this attitude that stiffens our spine?

Calling Fidelity Investments


(photo: Had 15 minutes to spare waiting for Sport Clips to open at 10am… time for a haircut before 10 days of travel in the next 12)

What is it about a particular attitude attribute that stiffens our spine?

Our minds can think of a great diversity of answers, yet there’s one answer, upon hearing it, we all nod, smile, and say, totally.

It’s when someone we know does what they say they’re gonna do, especially the big things that take years (maybe decades) to do and their progress is so slow and unremarkable, we never notice.

We never notice that is, until the day comes when they are done.

Then’s it’s, holy crap, she climbed that mountain.

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This might not work, please be careful

Midlife Celebration old website header


(photo: Photograph of MLC’s very first business card, cropped to fit WordPress specs.)

Great things never begin with the bliss of certainty.

Blogging here is going to become more interesting in the coming days, weeks, and months.


Because today marks the official call to begin the official process.

Incredible what attitude contributes to making dreams come true.

Incredible, also, how fragile attitude can be when fear raises it’s ugly head and says, “This might not work. Be careful.”

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Who’s the first to hear the news?

screen shot for retirement decisions


(photo: Fidelity Net Benefits is a very handy iPhone App)

Who hears the big announcement first? How do you say it? Why do you pick that person to tell first?

What information is worthy of a big announcement?

Are there some announcements that know no boundaries and are big for everyone?

How hard is it to keep the big announcement quiet until the time is best?

Questions worth asking?


Today’s mental thought continues with a physical thought for the day at the Next Blog

The insane notion about our daily midlife expectations

High lift replacing parking lot lightbulb


(photo: Life has five big choices – represented by five palms – and each carries a different set of expectations… that’s a lot of expectations)

Yesterday. How’d it go?

  1. As expected?
  2. Better than expected?
  3. Much better than expected?
  4. Worse than expected?
  5. Much worse than expected.

What’s interesting in all five questions is the notion that what we expect is the measure against what actually happens.

And what actually happens is probably insanely influenced by what we expect.

And this goes on day after day until we die.

Today’s mental thought continues with a physical thought for the day at the Next Blog